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Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan <br /> C. Goals and Objectives <br /> This update advances goals and objectives of the Orange County's adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan (adopted <br /> in 2008) to ensure land use decisions take into consideration their impact on the transportation network. <br /> Specific goals and objectives advanced include: <br /> Economic Development(ED)Goal 2: Infrastructure that supports desired development. <br /> • Objective ED-2.1: Encourage compact and higher density development in areas served by water and <br /> sewer. <br /> • Objective ED-2.2: Encourage mixed use projects that support walkable communities. <br /> • Objective ED-2.3: Promote public transportation, alternative modes of transportation, and encourage <br /> carpooling and park-and-ride participation. <br /> • Objective ED-2.5: Identify lands suitable to accommodate the expansion and growth of commercial and <br /> industrial uses in the County. <br /> Land Use (LU) Goal 1: Fiscally and environmentally responsible, sustainable growth, consistent with the <br /> provision of adequate services and facilities and a high quality of life. <br /> • Objective LU-1.1: Coordinate the location of higher intensity / high density residential and non- <br /> residential development with existing or planned locations of public transportation, commercial and <br /> community services, and adequate supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high-speed internet <br /> access, streets, and sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural resources. This <br /> could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and creating new mixed-use zoning districts where <br /> adequate public services are available. <br /> • Objective LU-1.2: Evaluate and report on whether existing and approved locations for future residential <br /> and non-residential developments are coordinated with the location of public transportation, <br /> commercial and community services, and adequate supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer <br /> services, high-speed internet access, streets and sidewalks). <br /> Transportation (T) Goal 3: Integrated land use planning and transportation planning that serves existing <br /> development, supports future development, and is consistent with the County's land use plans which include <br /> provisions for preserving the natural environment and community character. <br /> • Objective T-3.3: Determine the policies to guide connectivity within and between residential <br /> developments based on their impact on neighborhood character. <br /> • Objective T-3.4: Direct development to higher density mixed-use districts along transit corridors and <br /> make necessary multi-modal transportation improvements to service lands that are slated for future <br /> intense development, such as Economic Development Districts. <br /> • Objective T-3.5: Use innovative techniques to increase mobility and reduce rush hour congestion. <br /> Additionally this AMP advances the Efland Mebane Small Area Plan's following goals and objectives: <br /> Goal: In the future, the planning area should be well served by reliable infrastructure to accommodate orderly, <br /> planned growth. The planning area will retain the core village area that will be the center of community life. An <br /> Orange County Planning Department Page 6 <br />