Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> 1 Chair Rich said she also attended a youth-led National Association for the Advancement <br /> 2 of Colored People (NAACP) event at the Carrboro Century Center. <br /> 3 Chair Rich joined Commissioner Greene, Commissioner Marcoplos and Commissioner <br /> 4 McKee at the Mount Bright Church event. <br /> 5 Chair Rich referred to the MPO report that Commissioner Price mentioned, and said <br /> 6 things are going the wrong way with more car crashes and bike crashes. She said the road is <br /> 7 not being shared, and the public is not being educated on how to do so. She said the most <br /> 8 crashes in Orange County happen at the intersection of 1-40 and Highway 86. <br /> 9 Chair Rich said she talked and walked with the Northwood community, and those who <br /> 10 were going to bring forward a resolution. <br /> 11 Commissioner McKee said that is the same one he mentioned. <br /> 12 Commissioner McKee said this proposal is the least impactful one that he has seen thus <br /> 13 far. <br /> 14 Chair Rich said DOT seems to have gotten the message from the neighbors and the <br /> 15 elected officials. <br /> 16 Chair Rich said she attended the Chapel Hill Legislative breakfast, and the biggest <br /> 17 conversation was about electric scooters. <br /> 18 Commissioner Price said there was an elected officials meeting with DOT about the <br /> 19 widening of 1-40 and 86 through plan 4a and 4b. She said there seemed to be a better feel <br /> 20 about plan 4b, which would not take out any homes and will be less expensive. <br /> 21 Commissioner McKee said if Commissioners have time to go to the area, the route that <br /> 22 will be formed by plan 4b is flagged and staked off. <br /> 23 Chair Rich said the biggest concern with this plan is that it will become a super street, <br /> 24 and Chapel Hill does not like super streets. <br /> 25 Commissioner Bedford said there were several Town Council members at the meeting <br /> 26 who seemed receptive. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Chair Rich went straight to item 4-b, then returned to 4-a. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 a. Proclamation Recognizing Carrboro High School Women's Cross Country Team <br /> 33 for Winning the 2018 State Championship <br /> 34 The Board considered recognizing the Carrboro High School Women's Cross Country <br /> 35 Team for winning the 2018 State Championship. <br /> 36 Todd McGee, Community Relations Director, said that Coach Mimi O'Grady was unable <br /> 37 to attend tonight. <br /> 38 Commissioner Bedford read the proclamation: <br /> 39 <br /> 40 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 41 PROCLAMATION OF RECOGNITION ON <br /> 42 CARRBORO HIGH SCHOOL WINNING 2018 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP <br /> 43 IN WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY <br /> 44 <br /> 45 WHEREAS, on November 3, 2018, the Carrboro High School Women's Cross Country Team <br /> 46 won the North Carolina High School Athletic Association's 2A State <br /> 47 Championship; and <br /> 48 <br /> 49 WHEREAS, under the guidance of Coach Mimi O'Grady, the team won its sixth state <br /> 50 championship; and <br />