Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 Commissioner Price said she participated in a conference call with the Rural Action <br /> 2 Caucus of the National Association of Counties (NACo) today, which discussed a concern that <br /> 3 the 2020 census will have a major undercount, as most of the census filing will be done online <br /> 4 or electronically, and many rural residents may not have access to the internet, etc. She said <br /> 5 census data is important in determining federal program funding levels, as well as Federal <br /> 6 Communications Commission (FCC) broadband mapping. She asked if staff would consider <br /> 7 how Orange County can address the possible lack of access of its rural residents. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price said the Board received a letter from Orange County School (OCS) <br /> 9 regarding a resolution passed by OCS supporting local control of school calendars. She said <br /> 10 the Board never responded to this resolution, and she asked if it could do so in some way. <br /> 11 Commissioner Greene said she heard the same concerns regarding food at the <br /> 12 Partnership to End Homelessness meeting. <br /> 13 Commissioner Greene said she also enjoyed attending the SOG conference. <br /> 14 Commissioner Greene said she attended the MLK celebration at Mount Bright Church in <br /> 15 Hillsborough, which was inspirational. <br /> 16 Commissioner Greene said she is holding office hours on January 26t" at Cup-A-Joe in <br /> 17 Hillsborough, and welcomed all to stop by. <br /> 18 Commissioner Dorosin said since the Board last met he attended a Fire Chiefs <br /> 19 Association meeting, and he said the Chiefs will be meeting with the Board of County <br /> 20 Commissioners on February 12t" He said the Chiefs got a grant for a training facility and will <br /> 21 bring the Board of County Commissioners some possible locations for this facility. He said the <br /> 22 Chiefs are also in discussion with Durham Tech about possibly locating this facility on site. <br /> 23 Commissioner Dorosin attended the North Carolina Association of County <br /> 24 Commissioners (NCACC) Legislative Goals Conference, which was interesting and <br /> 25 enlightening. He said he moved to amend the NCACC's goal on the expansion of Medicaid, <br /> 26 which led to a spirited debate, and the resolution ultimately lost by two votes. He said they <br /> 27 were successful in defeating a separate amendment, which would have made the language <br /> 28 even weaker. <br /> 29 Commissioner Dorosin said it was suggested that all counties that support the change <br /> 30 should write another resolution about the Medicaid expansion, even though Orange County has <br /> 31 already done one. <br /> 32 Commissioner Dorosin said he served on a public education census committee in 2000, <br /> 33 and it may be worthwhile researching what this committee did last time in gearing up for the <br /> 34 2020 census. <br /> 35 Chair Rich said this will be discussed at the Assembly of Government (AOG) meeting <br /> 36 next week. <br /> 37 Chair Rich said in response to the schools' petition, there was a desire to talk to the <br /> 38 Visitors Bureau. She said the Board has received a response from the Visitors Bureau, and this <br /> 39 topic can now be brought forward. <br /> 40 Chair Rich thanked Commissioner Dorosin for fighting for the County at the NCACC. <br /> 41 She asked if the Board should write another resolution in support of the expansion of Medicaid. <br /> 42 Commissioner Dorosin said the Board can do so, and is unsure how recently the Board <br /> 43 wrote the last one. He said perhaps it could be revived and sent onto other counties for similar <br /> 44 use. He said if it has been more than a year since the original resolution was written, he would <br /> 45 recommend writing a new one in light of the NCACC's action. <br /> 46 Chair Rich said the Clerk will look into this. <br /> 47 Chair Rich said there were many MLK events this past weekend, and she and <br /> 48 Commissioner Dorosin attended a MLK park groundbreaking in Carrboro. She said this park is <br /> 49 expected to be finished in early summer. <br />