Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> 1 Attachment 1 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 DRAFT MINUTES <br /> 4 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 5 REGULAR MEETING <br /> 6 January 22, 2019 <br /> 7 7:00 p.m. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, January 22, <br /> 10 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Whitted Building in Hillsborough, N.C. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 <br /> 13 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Penny Rich and Commissioners Jamezetta <br /> 14 Bedford, Mark Dorosin, Sally Greene, Earl McKee, Mark Marcoplos, and Renee Price <br /> 15 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None <br /> 16 COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: John Roberts <br /> 17 COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Bonnie Hammersley, Deputy County Manager <br /> 18 Travis Myren and Clerk to the Board Donna Baker (All other staff members will be identified <br /> 19 appropriately below) <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Chair Rich called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 1. Additions or Changes to the Agenda <br /> 24 NONE <br /> 25 <br /> 26 PUBLIC CHARGE <br /> 27 Chair Rich acknowledged the public charge. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Arts Moment <br /> 30 Ashley Nissler, Orange County Arts Commission board member, introduced the artist: <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Alan Shapiro has published many poetry collections (including Reel to Reel, finalist for <br /> 33 the Pulitzer Prize, and Night of the Republic, finalist for both the National Book Award and the <br /> 34 International Griffin Prize), 4 books of prose, including The Last Happy Occasion, finalist for the <br /> 35 National Book Critics Circle Award. Winner of the Kingsley Tufts Award, LA Times Book Prize, <br /> 36 an award in literature from The American Academy of Arts and Letters, and The William Carlos <br /> 37 Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America, he is also a member of the American <br /> 38 Academy of Arts and Sciences. His new book, Against Translation, will appear in March 2019. <br /> 39 Alan Shapiro read a poem called "Letter to the Cemetery Owner", which was inspired by <br /> 40 a limited Buy One Get One free (BOLO) burial plot offer at a local cemetery. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 2. Public Comments <br /> 43 <br /> 44 a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br /> 45 John Morris said he had concerns about open government, and he attended a <br /> 46 meeting on January 10t" between GoTriangle and representatives from Orange and <br /> 47 Durham County's Boards of County Commissioners. He said he was not allowed into the <br /> 48 meeting, and was told that none of the boards represented were a quorum, and thus <br /> 49 public notice was not required. He said these closed meetings are blocking public <br /> 50 scrutiny of key decisions. He said the members of the meetings receive current <br />