Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 b. GoTriangle Update on Transit Oriented Development Study <br /> 3 The Board received a summary of information presented in the Transit Oriented <br /> 4 Development Guidebook that illustrates development potential around the proposed Durham- <br /> 5 Orange Light Rail Stations. <br /> 6 Patrick McDonough, GoTriangle Manager of Planning and Transit-Oriented <br /> 7 Development, reviewed the following information and PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 8 <br /> 9 BACKGROUND: <br /> 10 This report will update the Board of Commissioners on the final product of an economic <br /> 11 development and planning study related to development potential around the Durham-Orange <br /> 12 Light Rail Stations. GoTriangle received a $1.7 million grant from the Federal Transit <br /> 13 Administration (FTA) to help plan areas around the rail stations. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 The Gateway Planning Group worked with GoTriangle, Durham, Chapel Hill and the Triangle-J <br /> 16 Council of Governments to create one development scenario for each of the project's eighteen <br /> 17 (18) station areas. These development scenarios are compiled in the Transit Oriented <br /> 18 Development Guidebook The guidebook attempts to <br /> 19 illustrate opportunities to guide growth, expand access to jobs and opportunity, and generate <br /> 20 tax revenue. The guidebook is also intended to serve as a blueprint for land use and zoning <br /> 21 decisions the City of Durham and the Town of Chapel Hill could make to realize the benefits <br /> 22 that transit-oriented development provides. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Go Forward: A Community Investment in Transit <br /> 25 TOD Guidebook <br /> 26 Action Steps <br /> 27 Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br /> 28 January 2019 <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Today's Agenda <br /> 31 • The Opportunity <br /> 32 • What We Found <br /> 33 • Action Steps <br /> 34 <br /> 35 The Opportunity <br /> 36 • Coordinate neighborhood planning, the market for walkable TOD, and the design of <br /> 37 light rail <br /> 38 • Collaborate across local governments, universities, and transit <br /> 39 • Facilitate economic development <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Outcomes That Could Be Realized <br /> 42 Within % mile of the stations, an opportunity for: <br /> 43 • 43,500 New jobs <br /> 44 • 44,000 new residents <br /> 45 • 4 million new annual transit trips (2040) <br /> 46 <br /> 47 The TOD Guidebook (pie chart) <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Economic Development (chart) <br />