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12 <br /> 1 Price about this and his intentions. She suggested it may be wise to have a conversation with <br /> 2 him, and said she left a message for him today. She does support the need for climate <br /> 3 change, but wonders if this is the best way to approach working with Congressman Price. <br /> 4 Commissioner Marcoplos echoed Commissioner Green's comments about the cost <br /> 5 incurred if no action is taken. He said this resolution is publicly asking David Price for support <br /> 6 on the behalf of the Orange County residents. <br /> 7 Commissioner McKee said he would not argue with a resolution that voices concerns <br /> 8 about climate change, but that is not what this resolution says. He said he would not have <br /> 9 concerns over the Green New Deal if Representative Ocasio-Cortez would come forward with <br /> 10 projected costs, and what the real changes would be. He said there are things in the resolution <br /> 11 that he completely agrees with regarding the environmental changes, and especially the <br /> 12 request to implement a voter marked paper ballot for all voting; and restoring the vote to ex- <br /> 13 offenders who have paid their debt to society. <br /> 14 Commissioner McKee said this is a chicken little/the sky is falling resolution, and is fear <br /> 15 mongering. He said there is a cost to doing nothing, but he feels most Americans support <br /> 16 addressing environmental concerns. He said things like fair taxation that are distributed in <br /> 17 proportion to ability to pay seems like a confiscation of wages. <br /> 18 Commissioner Dorosin asked if that point is in the resolution. <br /> 19 Commissioner McKee said it is in the abstract, which is an attachment to the resolution. <br /> 20 He said the abstract also promotes the nationalization of banks, nationalization of stockholders, <br /> 21 etc. He said these changes would affect 401 ks, bankers, reduce military funding, etc. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin said the concerns raised by Commissioner McKee are not in the <br /> 23 resolution, and it is his understanding that the attachment will not be part of the resolution. He <br /> 24 said the resolution supports the forming of a committee that will see the Green New Deal <br /> 25 formed. He said he does not think a vote in favor of the resolution is a vote endorsing the <br /> 26 attachment. He said he is happy to endorse the resolution and start the debate about how to <br /> 27 address environmental concerns. <br /> 28 Commissioner Dorosin echoed Commissioner Marcoplos' comments about a public <br /> 29 discussion versus private conversation. <br /> 30 Commissioner Marcoplos said he did not insert the Green Party's take on the Green <br /> 31 New Deal into the abstract, but rather it was a good faith effort by staff to provide some <br /> 32 background information about what one organization (of many) might bring to such a select <br /> 33 committee. He said he based the resolution on other resolutions, and the other stuff is <br /> 34 irrelevant. <br /> 35 Commissioner McKee referred to the resolution and the first whereas: "WHEREAS, on <br /> 36 October 8, 2018, the United Nations released a special report, criticized by many leading <br /> 37 climate the scientists as overly conservative, which projected that limiting warming to the unsafe <br /> 38 1.5°C target this century will require an unprecedented transformation of every sector of the <br /> 39 global economy over the next 12 years". He said in order to achieve this a global government <br /> 40 will have to be instituted. <br /> 41 Commissioner McKee referred to the 4I" whereas: "to rapidly and safely drawdown or <br /> 42 remove all the excess carbon from the atmosphere, to end the 6th mass extinction of species," <br /> 43 and said there is no scientific basis for this claim. <br /> 44 Commissioner McKee said he is aware that the attachment is not part of the resolution, <br /> 45 but given the excesses of the attachment, an affirmative vote for the resolution would be an <br /> 46 endorsement of the Green New Deal. He said he does not mind endorsing things that are <br /> 47 reasonable and attainable, but ideas such as nationalizing the US economy and a 12 -year time <br /> 48 frame for implementation are unreasonable. <br />