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11 <br /> 1 WHEREAS, fairness demands the protection and expansion of workers' right to organize as <br /> 2 well as a guarantee of high-paying, high-quality jobs with comprehensive benefits for all and <br /> 3 many other tenets of a Green New Deal effort as the mobilization to restore a safe climate is <br /> 4 launched; <br /> 5 <br /> 6 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> 7 declares that a climate emergency threatens our county, region, state, nation, civilization, <br /> 8 humanity and the natural world; <br /> 9 <br /> 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners requests that <br /> 11 Representative David Price join with the growing number of his Congressional peers and <br /> 12 endorse Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's resolution for a select committee on a Green New Deal. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 This the 22nd Day of January 2019. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Riley Ruske said 3 minutes is not nearly enough time to discuss this resolution, and the <br /> 19 Board of County Commissioners should hold several public hearings on this matter before <br /> 20 bringing it to a vote. He said these hearings should invite both supporters and opponents to <br /> 21 allow for open discussion and full information to the public. He said the Green New Deal is a <br /> 22 radical agenda hiding behind a concern about climate change, and is an effort to destroy our <br /> 23 democratic republic and its constitution, and replace them with a hybrid socialist/communist <br /> 24 bureaucracy, which is nothing to do with climate change. He said this would end rights and <br /> 25 freedoms. He said the agenda item abstract write up is grossly misleading. He said citizens <br /> 26 should not be fooled by this effort to turn the United States into a socialist/communist China, <br /> 27 North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, or Russia. He encouraged the Board to remember its oath to <br /> 28 protect and uphold the constitution, and voting in favor of this resolution would be a willful <br /> 29 abandonment of said oath. <br /> 30 Commissioner McKee asked, rhetorically, if the resulting costs from enacting this "deal" <br /> 31 could be identified. <br /> 32 Commissioner Price said there is a lot in this resolution, but in the end, Commissioner <br /> 33 Marcoplos is asking Congressman David Price to support the forming of a committee to look <br /> 34 into this Green New Deal. She said an affirmative vote this evening would not be equal to the <br /> 35 BOCC endorsing everything in this resolution. <br /> 36 Commissioner Marcoplos said the resolution says that these conditions are so pressing <br /> 37 that a committee is needed to enact the Green New Deal. <br /> 38 Commissioner Price said an affirmative vote for the resolution would acknowledge that <br /> 39 there is a climate change crisis and support the formation of a special task force to look into the <br /> 40 Green New Deal, but does not indicate that the Board is going to enact the Green New Deal. <br /> 41 Commissioner Greene said the Green New Deal is very complicated and has many <br /> 42 parts, including changing to the status of corporations, and would restore a lot of democracy. <br /> 43 She said it will cost money, and this resolution is asking David Price to support a select <br /> 44 committee on a Green New Deal. <br /> 45 Commissioner Greene referred to the cost, and asked if the counter thought is what will <br /> 46 it cost us if this is not done. She said it may be radical, but we are at a crisis point and <br /> 47 something must be done. <br /> 48 Commissioner Bedford said one of her concerns with the party platform is some of the <br /> 49 economic changes that are proposed to be made, but overall she agrees with Commissioner <br /> 50 Greene and Commissioner Price. She said wanted to know if anyone has talked with David <br />