Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Northern Campus Project Options <br /> Current Estimated Costs and <br /> Budget Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 <br /> Estimated Project Costs-January <br /> 2019 $ 41,155,486 $ 41,155,486 $ 41,155,486 $ 41,155,486 <br /> Appropriated Budget $ (28,095,831) $ (28,095,831) $ (28,095,831) $ (28,095,831) <br /> DIFFERENCE $ (13,059,655) $ (13,059,655) $ (13,059,655) $ (13,059,655) <br /> Cost Reduction Strategies <br /> Repurpose Funds from Prior Jail <br /> Project $ 719,700 $ 719,700 $ 719,700 $ 719,700 <br /> Value Engineering Strategies $ 875,000 $ 875,000 $ 875,000 $ 875,000 <br /> Project Scope Reductions $ 438,000 $ 438,000 $ 438,000 $ - <br /> Other CIP Deferments $ 2,655,500 $ 2,655,500 $ 2,655,500 $ 2,655,500 <br /> Postpone EAC and Parks Ops. <br /> Construction $ 7,751,375 $ 7,751,375 $ - $ - <br /> Reduce Detention Center Capacity <br /> by 40 Beds $ 2,647,020 $ - $ - $ - <br /> TOTAL COST REDUCTION <br /> STRATEGIES $ 14,366,895 $ 11,719,875 $ 3,968,500 $ 3,530,500 <br /> DIFFERENCE $ 2,026,940.00 $ (620,080.00) $ (8,371,455.00) $ (8,809,455.00) <br /> Option 1 would fund a smaller Detention Center only. It employs a sufficient number of <br /> reduction strategies to create a positive project balance of approximately $2 million. <br /> Option 2 funds a 144 bed Detention Center but defers construction of the Environment and <br /> Agricultural Center and Parks Operations. This option would require an additional $620,000 in <br /> budget authorization. <br /> Option 3 completes all of the components of the project but eliminates project scope <br /> requested by the stakeholders. This option would require approximately $8.37 million in <br /> additional budget authorization. <br /> Option 4 completes all of the project components and funds the full project scope as <br /> requested by the project stakeholders. Option 4 would require an additional $8.8 million in <br /> authorized funds. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The options outlined above would have varying levels of budget impact. <br /> Each option is evaluated below in terms of its impact on the County's debt to revenue policy. <br />