Agenda 6-a - Orange County Transportation Priority List for SPOT 6.0 FY 2022-2031 STIP
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Agenda - 02-05-19
Agenda 6-a - Orange County Transportation Priority List for SPOT 6.0 FY 2022-2031 STIP
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Last modified
1/31/2019 4:03:21 PM
Creation date
1/31/2019 3:54:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 02-05-2019 Regular Board Meeting
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RES-2019-007 18 <br /> Attachment 4: Draft Resolution Endorsing Transportation Projects for State Funding <br /> 11)Exchange Park Lane Rail Trestle Improvements: Improve the current trestle at Exchange Park <br /> Lane to accommodate Pedestrian traffic to support a pedestrian link from the proposed train <br /> station to downtown Hillsborough. (Current County Priority) <br /> 12)Orange Grove Rd. Widening with Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements: Construct one <br /> additional lane between Patriot's Pointe Drive and New Grady Brown School Road (SR 1221) <br /> to include both pedestrian and bicycle improvements along the roadway. The 1-40 bridge <br /> would be widened to accommodate both pedestrian and bicycle amenities and one additional <br /> travel lane. (Current County Priority as highway projects) <br /> 13)Calvander Roundabout: Construct a roundabout at the intersection of Old NC 86, Dairyland <br /> Road (SR 1004/1113/1177), and Homestead Road (SR 1777) in Calvander outside of <br /> Carrboro. (County Priority) <br /> 14)Old NC-86 Bike Lanes: Construct bicycle facilities on Old NC 86 from Farm House Road in <br /> Carrboro to Homestead Road (SR 1777). (County Priority) <br /> 15)Homestead Road Bike Lanes and Sidewalks: Improve Homestead Road (SR 1777) from Old <br /> NC 86 (SR 1009) to NC 86 to include bicycle lanes and sidewalks in sections of the corridor <br /> where they do not exist. (County Priority) <br /> 16)Eubanks Road Bike Lanes: Construct bicycle lanes on Eubanks Road (SR 1727) from Old NC <br /> 86 (SR 1009) to NC 86. (County Priority) <br /> 17)Mt. Carmel Church Road Bike/Pedestrian Improvements: Construct bike lanes and sidewalks <br /> from US 15-501 to Bennett Road and bike lanes from Bennett Road to the Chatham County <br /> line. (County Priority) <br /> 18)Orange High School Road/Harold Latta Road Sidewalk Improvements: Construct a sidewalk <br /> along the west side of Orange High School Road from Harold Latta Road to U.S. 70, construct <br /> a sidewalk along the south side of Harold Latta Road from Cloverfield Drive to Orange Grove <br /> Road, install high visibility crosswalks and in-road signage at school entrances and exits on <br /> Orange Grove Road, and construct a sidewalk along entrance roads to CW Stanford Middle <br /> School. (County Priority) <br /> Upon motion of Commissioner seconded by Commissioner <br /> the foregoing resolution was adopted this the 5t" day of February, 2019. <br /> 1, Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, DO <br /> HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of said Board at a <br /> meeting held on February 5, 2019, as relates in any way to the adoption of the foregoing and that said <br /> proceedings are recorded in the minutes of said Board. <br /> WITNESS my hand and the seal of said County, this day of 2019. <br /> Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br />
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