Orange County NC Website
Rev. 8/8/2018 - 6 - <br />OEMS requirement. Attachment 7 meets the minimum State and County <br />requirements of equipment to be carried by an Agency’s service based on <br />the selected credential level. <br />f. Agencies may choose to carry more than what is on the list, as long as the <br />equipment, medication, or supply is approved by the System medical <br />director in advance and is only utilized by appropriately credentialed <br />providers. <br />g. Agencies will determine the amount of equipment necessary to carry in <br />inventory to ensure availability. <br />h. Orange County will continue to restock equipment on scene as they are <br />utilized; however Orange County is not responsible for initial stocking, <br />unintentional opening, or expired stock. (with the exception of glucometer <br />supplies) <br />i. Agencies must provide a copy of their operational procedures for the <br />management of equipment, supplies and medications. Medications must be <br />stored in "Climate Controlled" Areas. <br />j. Written plans for inventorying supplies should be provided. <br />k. A daily vehicle equipment inventory sheet should be provided. <br />9. Agency Quality Assurance Plan: QA Designation and responsibilities. <br />a. All Agencies will be required to conduct QA activity. <br />b. The QA designee will ensure the providers are following the protocols <br />adequately and not performing above their scope of practice. <br />c. The QA designee is responsible for auditing skills procedures for <br />competency for all practicing providers in the Agency. <br />d. The QA designee will be required to attend Orange County EMS Peer <br />Review sessions and will be responsible for collaborating on required Peer <br />Review audits with the Orange County EMS QA Coordinator. Agency QA <br />representatives should be able to offer insight and offer suggestions to <br />protocols, procedures, etc. <br />e. Agencies may designate the training Coordinator to maintain QA <br />responsibilities or may select an independent QA Coordinator. <br />10. Agency Infection Control Plan/Policy: Provide a copy of the Agency’s Infection <br />Control Policy (a written infectious Disease Control Policy includes written <br />procedures which are approved by the EMS System Medical Director addressing <br />the cleansing and disinfecting of vehicles and equipment used to treat patients) or <br />attestation of the agency's commitment to follow OCEMS System Infection Control <br />Policy. <br />a. The Agency may write their own plan or provide copies of existing plans to <br />Orange County. <br />b. The Agency may adopt and implement Orange County Emergency Services <br />Infection Control Policy. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 79C5D167-B6CA-4E59-B4AC-AA38CC1B20BD