Orange County NC Website
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A public hearing will be held in the Judge F. Gordon Battle Superior Courtroom of the <br />New Orange County Courthouse, 106 East Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, North Carolina, <br />on Monday, November 22, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of giving all interested <br />citizens an opportunity to speak for or against the fallowing items: <br />A. ORANGE COUNTY NOISE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners to consider amendments to the current <br />noise ordinance with regard to the following items: <br />1, Maximum frequency and intensity standards of noise emanating from <br />properties and other general activities. <br />2, Specific protocol used to measure ambient community noise levels and <br />specific event and noise episodes. <br />3. Enforcement. <br />4. Time of day restrictions an decibel levels, <br />5. Special provisions far community events, <br />The purposes of this public hearing are to hear a staff report, to allow the public to <br />comment on the proposals, and to begin the process of considering amendments to the <br />noise ordinance, The objective of the amendments will be the adoption of a noise <br />ordinance that provides certainty to all citizens, the business community, other <br />public/private organizations and enforcement officials, Other parties to be involved are <br />the County Attorney's Office, the Sheriff's Office, the Planning Department, and ERCD, <br />Changes may be made in the advertised proposals that reflect debate, objections <br />and discussion at the hearing. <br />Accommodations for individuals with physical disabilities can be provided if the <br />request is made to the Director of Planning at least 48 hours prior to the Public <br />Hearing by calling the appropriate number listed below. The full text of the <br />changes may be obtained after November 17, 2004 from the Planning Department. <br />Also, the text may be obtained at the County website at the <br />Agendas and Reports link prior to the meeting. <br />Questions regarding the proposals may be directed to the Orange County Planning <br />Department located in the Planning and Agricultural Center, 306-F Revere Road, <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. <br />Monday through Friday. You may also call 245-2575 (Hillsborough), 688-7331 <br />(Durham), 967-9251 (Chapel Hill-Carrboro), or 277-2031 (Mebane/Graham). Please ask <br />for extension 2575 or 2585. You will be directed to a staff member who will answer your <br />questions. <br />PUBLISH: News of Orange Chapel Hill Herald <br />November 10, 2004 November 10, 2004 <br />November 17, 2004 November 17, 2004 <br />