2018-203 OPT - TJCOG transportation demand grant
Board of County Commissioners
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Triangle J Council of Governments
2018-203 OPT - TJCOG transportation demand grant
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8/1/2018 8:57:40 AM
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1/28/2019 2:54:30 PM
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Students will be motivated by a campaign- branded promotional item -e-g+# -said in exchange for <br />their pledge, as well as a sense of competition with other schools in the region. This campaign <br />will also cultivate a sense of purpose with students by sharing facts on the environmental, <br />financial, health and time management benefits of using sustainable transportation to get to, from <br />and around campus and the region. <br />The Orange County TDM Coordinator will promote the campaign and regional pledge form, by <br />hosting tabling events, engaging student organizations in peer -to -peer outreach, and by having <br />ad space as available on Orange County Public Transportation buses and campus <br />media. Orange County will also work with regional GoTriangle staff to provide personalized <br />commute assistance to pledge participants during the campaign as well as follow up after the <br />campaign with a survey to learn about participant experience and encourage students to "Be The <br />Change" by continuing their use of multimodal transportation and inviting friends and classmates <br />to join them. The pledge form and follow -up survey will provide Orange County and GoTriangle <br />with requisite data on the type of transportation used, the number of trips taken and total trip <br />mileage to calculate VMT reduction. <br />Lighten Up Campaign: The Orange County TDM Coordinator will be collaborating with TDM <br />Coordinators from both the Town of Chapel Hill and UNC to distribute lights to the public once <br />daylight savings starts. All TDM Coordinators will be canvasing bike shops within our Hotspots to <br />hand out lights to the cyclists who would either stop riding during this darker time of year or not <br />think about bike - commuting during daylight savings time. <br />Transit Academy: The Orange County TDM Coordinator will host the Transit Academy. The <br />Transit Academy will target human service agency staff and their clients, with the goal to leverage <br />the transit options available to the public to help clients get to human service appointments. The <br />focus will be to normalize and increase comfort with riding the bus. This will include transferring to <br />a different bus, loading a bike on to the bus, and what to do if you miss your bus. <br />Commuter Information Stations: The Orange County TDM Coordinator will create commuter <br />information stations in Orange County buildings that are visited by a significant number of County <br />residents and staff. Each station will come with a map of the County's fixed transit routes and <br />park- and - rides, surrounded by route map brochures. There will also be space that will hold <br />information about other alternative commute modes (carpool /vanpool, telework, etc), should the <br />available transit options not fit their particular needs. <br />Enhanced Performance Metrics: Based on the Draft Triangle Regional TDM Success Plan our <br />FY19 worklolan includes innovations in enhanced performance trackina. <br />Outcomes and outputs for marketing efforts and paid advertisements will be compared based on <br />their unit costs to assess their performance in meeting TDM targets (e.g. $ /page view online, <br />$ /listener tuning into radio PSA, etc.). Unit effectiveness measures will also be used to measure <br />the relative impact of different marketing methods, such as the number of STRNC accounts <br />created per promo item delivered. <br />Another innovation aligned with the TDM Success Plan that aims to increase the effectiveness of <br />our work in a dynamic transportation market is tracking external trends to target internal <br />marketing inputs. For example, in the creation of marketing plans we will be tracking cost data of <br />various elements of the transportation network (e.g. - fuel prices, bus fares, parking, etc) to help <br />guide our messaging about which alternative modes might offer the greatest benefits and which <br />audiences might be most receptive to making a change. Enhanced metrics are listed under the <br />applicable items in the workplan and are labelled for ease of identification. <br />Triangle J <br />Council of Governments <br />
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