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ii, Notify the employer of any criminal draw g statute conviction for a violation <br />Occurring in the workplace no later than rive days after such conviction; <br />e. Notifying the Department within, ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph <br />(d)(ii) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction; <br />11. Taking one of the tbIlowing actions, within 30 days of receiving notice under <br />subparagraph (d)(ii), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: <br />i. Taking appropriate personnel action against SUCh an employee, up to and <br />including <br />termination; or <br />ii. Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance <br />or rehabilitation program approved for SLICII 1XII•POSeS by as F'cdera,l, State, or local <br />health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; and <br />g. Making a good faith effort to continue to rnaintain a drug-five workplace through <br />iniplernentation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (1). <br />3, Contractor will inform the Department of any additional sites for perforalancie of work <br />under this agrecilient. <br />4 1"alse certification or violation of the certification may be grounds for suspension of <br />payment, suspension or termination of grants, or government -wide Federal SUSpellSiOn Or <br />debarMent. 45 CER, 82,510, <br />Ill. Certification Regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke <br />Public Law 103 -227, Part (',-,Environmental Tobacco Smoke, a1so known as the Pro- <br />not be permitted in any portion of any <br />C,hifdreii Act ol '1994 (Act), requires that sinoking <br />indoor facility owned or ]eased or contracted for by an entity and, used routinely or regularly <br />for the provision of` health, day care, cdUiCati011, or library services to children under the age <br />of 18, iftlie services are funded by kale ral programs either directly or 0-trough State or local <br />governments, by 1 'cderal grant, contract, loan, or loan guarantee, The taw does not apl.-)Iy to <br />children's services provided in private residences, facilities funded solely by Medicare or <br />Medicaid Furids, and podions of Cacifities used for inpatient drug or alcohol treatilient. <br />1,,'ailure tar comply with the provisions of tile law rnay result in the imposition of a civil <br />monetary penalty of tip to $1,000.00, per day and/or the imposition of an adn'dilistrative <br />compliance order on the responsible entity. <br />The Contractor certifies that it will comply with the •eqUirenlents of the Act, The <br />Contractor further agrees that it will require the language of this certification be included in <br />