Orange County NC Website
All written, printed or recorded materials received or made by the Board maybe <br />examined by the public, as provided for and as limited by the North Carolina Public <br />Records Act, NC General Statute 1.32-1 et seq. Members of the public may receive <br />certified copies upon request also as provided for and as limited by the North Carolina <br />Public Records Act. <br />7. Rules of Procedure <br />The Board will follow r~•-•~'~r°a •°•'^° ~' ~••~Eedurethe modified version as-spesr~ed <br />belevr:of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. as employed by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. <br />Rule 1. Meetings <br />The Board shall hold regular meetings, at least quarterly, at which business maybe <br />conducted. Such meetings shall bepre-scheduled at a time and place agreeable to the <br />majority of members. A calendar of regular meetings will be established at the last <br />regular meeting of the calendar year for the next calendar year, <br />The requirements of the North Carolina Open Meetings Law, NC General Statute 143- <br />318.9 et seq,, shall apply to all Board and regular or ad hoc committee meetings. <br />Notification of the public will be in compliance with open meeting law notification <br />requirements.. <br />Rule 2. __S~recal, emergency and recessed meetings <br />a. Special meetings <br />Special and emergency meetings of the Board or its committees may be called by the <br />Chair or three members of the Board, ~-pr~im,~',~;dand-following the procedures of <br />the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. <br />b. Recessed (adjourned) meetings. <br />A properly called regular, special or emergency meeting may be recessed or adjourned to <br />a specific time and place by a motion made and adopted as provided in these Rules of <br />Procedure in open session during the regular, special, or emergency meeting, The motion <br />shall state the time and place when the meeting will reconvene. No further notice need <br />be given of such a recessed properly called meeting. <br />Rule 3. Agenda <br />a. Proposed agenda. <br />The Chair and. Secretary axd-a~least-ene ~-~r-naarr~efftee~shall prepare an agenda and <br />meeting notices for proper distribution. A request to have an item of business placed on <br />the agenda must be received by the Secretary at least tlxee-seven working days before the <br />meeting. Each Board member shall receive a copy of the proposed agenda and any <br />relevant materials for each agenda item at-the-tneetitig-at least three workine days and <br />they shall be available for public inspection and/or distribution when they are distributed <br />to the Board members. <br />Page .3 of 5 <br />