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DocuSign Envelope ID:97A85083-4649-4F90-9283-141A52E739BF <br /> or census block group for the final product. Any data from the analysis will be made available in Phase VI (whether or not it is included <br /> in final assessment). NEMAC will coordinate with GIS or technical representatives from Triangle J and municipalities in Phase VI to <br /> ensure it is provided in the best usable format. <br /> The expected deliverables for this phase include: <br /> • Exposure assessments(maps in hard copy and electronic format); <br /> • An initial summary and data inventory(GIS and tabular data)of key community assets to be utilized in subsequent <br /> phases; <br /> • Presentations (electronic and hard copy)with key visuals focused on local scene-setting; <br /> • One facilitated workshop for all participants(including workbooks for all participants); and <br /> • A Phase Two summary report,which will subsequently be integrated into the final project report(Phase Five). <br /> *FY2018 WORKPLAN CONTINGENT UPON FY2018 BUDGET APPROVAL* <br /> Fiscal Year 2018 <br /> Phase Three: Vulnerability and Risk Assessment(Sensitivity,Adaptive Capacity,Vulnerability and Risk) <br /> The third phase of the process, also based on Step Two of the CRT's Steps to Resilience, involves using the climate-related threats <br /> and community assets (or"asset/threat pairs")from the previous two phases to develop a vulnerability and risk assessment. The first <br /> part of the assessment requires participants to identify the criteria for sensitivity(or"the degree to which a system, population, or <br /> resource is affected by climate impacts(including extreme weather)or changing climate conditions")and the criteria for adaptive <br /> capacity("the ability of a person or system to adjust to a stressor, take advantage of new opportunities,or cope with change"), along <br /> with critical thresholds(or tipping points)for the asset/threat pairs. Participants will provide input during workshops and working <br /> sessions to define criteria and thresholds for each asset/threat pair; the identified criteria/thresholds will then be used to define areas of <br /> vulnerability(or"the propensity or predisposition of human and other systems to be adversely affected by climate change"that <br /> "encompasses concepts such as susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity to cope or adapt"). NEMAC will use these criteria, which <br /> will be defined in the first workshop of this phase, to create spatial maps of sensitivity, adaptive capacity, vulnerability, and risk scoping, <br /> which will be presented during the second workshop of this phase. During this phase, it will also be necessary to identify whom from <br /> the local governments will be contributors and editors of the final report. <br /> The expected deliverables for this phase include: <br /> • A sensitivity and adaptive capacity assessment(maps in hard copy and electronic format); <br /> • A vulnerability assessment(including maps at the parcel and census block scales); <br /> • An initial risk scoping assessment(including maps at the parcel and census block scales); <br /> • Vulnerability and risk cross plots(criteria for developing vulnerability and risk maps)and associated maps; <br /> • Presentations (electronic and hard copy)with key visuals focused on local scene-setting; <br /> • Two facilitated workshops for all participants(including workbooks for all participants); <br /> • Two working sessions(scheduled between workshops); and <br /> • A Phase Three summary report,which will subsequently be integrated into the final project report(Phase Five). <br /> Phase Four: Options to Build Resilience and Prioritizing Actions <br /> The fourth phase of this process, based on Steps Three and Four of the CRT's Steps to Resilience, involves identifying options that <br /> build resilience to climate-related threats.These options would accomplish this by reducing vulnerability, reducing risk, or supporting <br /> 5 <br />