Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:97A85083-4649-4F90-9283-141A52E739BF <br /> Fiscal Year 2017 <br /> Phase One: Explore Climate Threats <br /> The first phase of the process, "Explore Climate Threats,"is based on Step One of the CRT's Steps to Resilience and builds upon <br /> important work done by the SSDN PREP workshops in recent years.This process will require a complete assessment of climate- <br /> related threats, including drought, heavy precipitation events, heat waves, and others.The assessment will utilize resources that <br /> include data from the National Climate Assessment North Carolina State Summary, the U.S.Climate Resilience Toolkit and associated <br /> Climate Explorer(including climate projections),and data from NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information's Climate-at-a- <br /> Glance, as well as other accredited sources. In order to complete this assessment, NEMAC will collaborate with GIS staff from the <br /> Triangle J COG and/or staff from the participating local governments to create an exhaustive data inventory which will be used in <br /> Phase I I and III (the inventory will be developed upon the execution of the contract).This inventory will require NEMAC and Triangle J <br /> to identify and agree to the spatial boundaries used for each municipality involved in the assessment and will be completed prior to the <br /> kick-off meeting.Additionally, NEMAC will not be responsible for developing new datasets for this assessment, but will rather utilize <br /> existing datasets in order to complete the assessment in full.Triangle J and/or participating local governments will share with NEMAC <br /> the most recent versions of their local comprehensive,sustainability,and hazard mitigation plans.And finally, it will need to be <br /> determined during the kick-off meeting how digital resources will be shared at the completion of this project(e.g.either(i)through a <br /> secure, online resource, and/or(ii)data drives will be provided to Triangle J and the steering committee for distribution). This kick-off <br /> meeting will include a presentation to a larger group(size to be determined by Triangle J)with individuals from each municipality in <br /> order to provide a clear project plan to all who may be involved.This will happen on the same day as a kick-off meeting which will <br /> include a smaller team.The intent of this smaller team meeting is to complete project and logistical planning.The number of <br /> participants to attend this meeting can be determined by Triangle J and will ideally not exceed 30 people total. During this meeting, a <br /> steering committee(12-15 people) should be identified that will serve for the entire lifecycle of the project. <br /> The expected deliverables for this phase include: <br /> • A project plan presentation to representatives of each municipality involved; <br /> • A kick-off planning meeting(or"working session")with NEMAC, Triangle J, and the project steering committee <br /> (including local sustainability directors); <br /> • An initial summary and inventory(GIS and tabular data)of key climate-related threats to be used in subsequent <br /> phases; <br /> • Presentations (electronic and hard copy)with key climate visuals focused on local scene-setting; <br /> • One facilitated workshop for all participants identified in the initial working session (including workbooks for all <br /> participants); and <br /> • A Phase One summary report,which will subsequently be integrated into the final project report(Phase Five). <br /> Phase Two: Vulnerability and Risk Assessment(Exposure Analysis) <br /> The second phase of the process,which is based on Step Two of the CRT's Steps to Resilience, involves an analysis of key regional <br /> and local community assets so that they can be included in an assessment of vulnerability and risk.This asset analysis will use <br /> socioeconomic datasets from local, regional, and statewide sources,and will draw from the local comprehensive, sustainability, and <br /> hazard mitigation plans shared with NEMAC during Phase One. <br /> The process for this analysis involves quantifying exposure,which is defined as"the presence of people, assets,and ecosystems in <br /> places where they could be adversely affected by hazards[threats]."These community assets will be identified during a facilitated <br /> workshop with the local governments and Triangle J. Due to the scale of the analysis, NEMAC will initially place these community <br /> assets into general categories(e.g., residential, commercial, community services, road infrastructure)and,as high-exposure areas are <br /> identified, a more detailed analysis will be completed using additional categories (e.g., parks,food infrastructure, critical infrastructure, <br /> bridges, etc.).The analysis in Phase II and III will be completed at a parcel and structural scale, but will be summarized to census tract <br /> 4 <br />