Orange County NC Website
3 <br />`- <br />~NC,~EEQs <br />Reece, Nolaml & McfJrallfi, inc. <br />PO BOX 540 <br />WAYNESVILLE, NC 2$73C, <br />($23)456-9$51 <br />(323)45!-6205 (FAX) <br />\V~'J\1%.Rl`i[v1-ENGI'JL.E:RS.C'OA~1 <br />DESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL <br />Counh• ofOr~rtge <br />911 Center HVAC Systems Replacement <br />Chapel Hill, N.C <br />September l U, 2UtW <br />12eecq Noland, & McElradr Engineers propose to provide Professional Engineering Senices for design of <br />HVAC Systcrr>s for this project.. <br />PRO.IECT DESCRIPTION: Design of replacement HVAC systems for this existing facility of <br />approxinuncly $000 square feet, which houses the Counh Emergency Medical Services. 91 i, and <br />Emergency Operations Center operations <br />FEE: Our lump swn fee for Basic Sen•ices for This project is S26,OOO.UU (Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars), <br />broken down as follows: <br />Initial HVAC Systems Study/Review with County Inspections Department X4000.00 <br />Measurement of building wtd generation of CADD floor plans $200090 <br />Design, bid/negotiate, construction adrninisuation $20A00 00* <br />* Tlus is based on a comprehensive HVAC systems replacement The design portion oE' <br />our fee can be reevaluated, if Urc study results in a less comprehensive approach. <br />The preliminary study and floor plan generation would be billed as completed The conventiomtl <br />dcsigtt/constructionporlion would be billed per standard AIA milestones. <br />BASIC SERVICES: The lump stem fees proposed above include the following basic scnices: <br />I Perform a study of alternative HVAC systems for the facility addressing costs and benefits <br />associated with each alternative, Of p.•trticulw concern will be Ute ability to retrofit dte building <br />with minima! disruption to essential operations. This evaluation will result in a suggested desitm <br />approach, along with an cstirwtted project budget. <br />2. Review of the building and proposed project scope vviih the Orange County inspections <br />Department.. Specifically, this review will involve detenuination of their expectations relative to <br />the requirements of the NC Building Code Clwpter 33, which relates to existing buildings. Based <br />on their expectations, the scopc/budget of the project can be finalized and additional design <br />components such as fire alarm. exiVegress, rated constructioq etc. added if required. <br />3 Prepare project dmvvings and specifications in sufficient detail to obtain regulatory approval and to <br />receive bids <br />4 Solicit bidders, receive bids, and negotiate as required, providing required documentation to allow <br />the County to mvard a contract to the selected bidder <br />5. Review shop drawings and submittals for items of work that are part of our design. <br />