Agenda - 05-17-2005-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-17-2005
Agenda - 05-17-2005-9c
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8/29/2008 9:29:41 PM
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8/29/2008 10:25:27 AM
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Minutes - 20050517
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
ORD-2005-023 - Proposed County Noise Control Ordinance Revisions
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2000-2009\2005
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There is a problem with the references in Articles 5 and 6. <br />The Sheriff commented that at this time, that they are not having a whole lot of problems with <br />enforcement, Vehicles, loud music, and parties and things of that nature are the main <br />concerns. The proposed changes will allow something with which the Sheriffs Office can work. <br />Citizen Comments: <br />Citizen #1. The terms "reasonable", "detrimental," and the like are in the ear of the beholder <br />and are not legal or often practical, The trucks on US 70 at Lawrence Road are prohibited from <br />driving through the Town of Hillsborough, They gear down or are accelerating up the hill, <br />There are up to fifteen trucks per hour traveling along the road, according a recent NCDOT <br />traffic count. <br />Remove the muffler provision exemption from the noise control ordinance. This will give <br />citizens a vehicle for relief, <br />Citizen #2, Support for the noise ordinance, but she does have problems with go-cart racing as <br />late as 10 or 11:00 p,m, at night. Complaints on these activities have resulted in vandalism. <br />With her own noise meter, she took a reading of 77 d6(A) at her home from the go-carts. A <br />lawn mower has a 68 d6(A) reading. The ordinance would help create a better quality of life, <br />Citizen #3. What is the process? When will the Commissioners consider the ordinance again? <br />This is a public hearing. The Commissioners will direct staff to address the issues. <br />Will the hearing be closed tonight? <br />Is the proposed ordinance complaint driven and will the noise levels be raised? You should first <br />give people warnings, how would they know they are causing a noise problem? Will you re- <br />evaluate the ordinance in twelve months? The ordinance is complaint driven and a citizen <br />would call the sheriffs office, Staff will re-evaluate the ordinance every five to seven years, as <br />new technology emerges. <br />Citizen #4. He is a motor cross racer. People move to the country because that is where we <br />can make noise. We cannot race in the city. Will the measurement be made at a property line <br />where nobody lives? We do not want to hurt anybody. <br />Citizen #5, Generally supports the ordinance, Refuse trucks in the neighborhood in the very <br />early morning, Would hope that 7:00 a,m, would be the standard for such activities in <br />residential neighborhoods. <br />A number of state NCDOT pre-emption issues, particularly safety requirements will be reviewed <br />by the attorney's office, According to the County Attorney, the County cannot regulate in areas <br />the state has pre-empted. Truck equipment and muffling regulations are state safety laws, <br />There is a difference between regulating sound on private property and regulating sound on the <br />NCDOT streets. <br />It may be a good idea to use the reasonable person standard with a minimum sound threshold. <br />If the court said this is too vague, then we can provide another option. <br />
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