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Ade~teclt-Aa^"883 15 <br />A~nep~ed;-Fe~raar-y 1; 1988 <br />least inclusiveness of the types of noises prohibited); <br />and/or <br />2) Physical sense perceptions and observations of <br />unreasonably loud and disturbing noise as defined in, and <br />proscribed in subsection (1) of Article III of, this Ordinance, <br />at the time and place such is occurring (Provides <br />intermediate noise protection and intermediate <br />inclusiveness of the types of noises prohibited); and/or <br />3) Noise that exceeds the maximum permissible sound levels <br />prescribed in subsection (2) of Article III of this Ordinance <br />(Provides maximum noise protection and maximum <br />inclusiveness of the types of noises prohibited); and/or <br />4) Noise that violates any combination of the foregoing. <br />(f) For purposes of this Ordinance the "Orange County Sheriff' shall <br />include the Sheriff and any Deputy Sheriff of Orange County, <br />(2) Civil Penalties <br />(a) Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be <br />subject to a civil penalty of one hundred dollars ($100,00), Each day of <br />a continuing violation shall constitute a separate violation under this <br />subsection. <br />(b) The County Manager, or his <br />or her designee, shall be authorized to assess civil penalties under <br />this Ordinance and shall make written demand for payment upon the <br />person responsible for the violation and shall set forth in detail the <br />violation far which the penalty has been invoked. If payment is not <br />received or equitable settlement reached within sixty (60) days after <br />demand for payment is made, the matter shall be referred to the <br />County Attorney for institution of a civil action in the name of the <br />County in the appropriate division of the General Court of Justice of <br />Orange County for recovery of the penalty, Any sums recovered shall <br />be used to carry out the purposes and requirements of this Ordinance. <br />(3) Criminal Penalties <br />