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S <br />A RESOLUTION DEFINING A PERCENT FOR PUBLIC ART PROGRAM AND <br />THE GENERAL POLICIES OF THE PROGRAM (2002-03-04/12-8) <br />WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of'the Town of Chapel Hill includes public art as <br />part of the section on Community Character, and <br />WHEREAS, the Town Council has included a Percent for Public Art Program in the <br />short-term implementation measures adopted on .July 5, 2000; and <br />WHEREAS, the Public Arts Commission and its subgroups have been working with the <br />Town staff to develop policies and procedures for a Percent for Public Art Program; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill <br />that the Council hereby establishes a Percent for Public Art Program: <br />to help define the community's identity and sense of place, <br />to promote social interaction and discourse, <br />to bring the arts into everyday life and <br />to memorialize the past while expressing shared values for the future, <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the program shall be guided by the following <br />policies: <br />1, Program Objective: To provide art accessible to the public and to the users of Town <br />buildings and parks, for the improvement of the quality of life in Chapel Hill, and <br />more specifically to: <br />• help define the community's identity and sense of place, <br />• promote social interaction and discourse, <br />• bring the arts into everyday life and <br />• memorialize the past while expressing shared values for'the future. <br />2, Annual Public Art Plan: The Town Council shall meet at least annually to consider a <br />Public Art Plan recommended by the Public Arts Commission. The recommended <br />Public Art Plan shall include: <br />a. Those capital projects which should include 1% of their project budgets for <br />public art <br />b. The distinction between those capital projects which should include public art <br />on-site and which should contribute 1% of their budget to a pool of funds <br />reserved for public art commission, acquisition, maintenance and conservation <br />c. General location(s) for the art not recommended for the site of a capital project. <br />d, The Town Council shall decide on which capital budgets shall include 1% for <br />art and the general site(s) of the art, and shall appropriate funds. This set of <br />decisions shall be known as the Public Art Plan for the given year, <br />