Orange County NC Website
<br />lrr May 2002, Orange County hosted a symposium on the tlueat of nuclear terrorism <br />within the area, focusing on spent fuel rod storage at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power plant. <br />Outcomes from this symposium lead to a federally financed study on evacuation <br />methods, routes, and timelines for evacuation orders. <br />The symposium also offered guidance for the revision of the County's multi-hazard plan. <br />The Multi-hazard plan was revised in February 2003 to add responsibilities for county <br />depaztments to respond to the various impacts of terrorism. <br />Since this symposium, County personnel have participated in two exercises involving <br />radiological material. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill held the first <br />tabletop exercise with a dirty bomb scenario at the Dean Smith Center on June 18`h, 2002. <br />Triangle J Council of Government hosted a tabletop exercise with a similar scenario later <br />that year. <br />Orange County Emergency Management and law enforcement depaztments completed a <br />US. Depaztment of Homeland Security terrorism assessment tool in 2003 that identified: <br />- critical taz'gets <br />- necessary equipment for' effective response <br />- potential threat elements <br />The Multi-hazard plan addresses the three nuclear/radiological scenarios listed above and <br />assigns certain county staff with emergency responsibilities to respond and carry out <br />duties related to a terrorist attack including a nuclear incident. <br />