Orange County NC Website
Attachment 3 <br />Policy 1.01,1.3 Adjacent counties shall maintain and make available to <br />Orange County those impact and analysis studies and <br />methodologies utilized to determine the impact of <br />development and redevelopment on the district roadway <br />network. <br />Policy 1,01,1.4 Orange County and its municipalities shall consider the <br />individual and cumulative impacts of Land Use Element <br />(I.UE) amendments on the existing and planned <br />transportation facilities within the County and municipalities, <br />Policy 1.01.1,5 Transportation facilities and services should be developed in <br />a manner that encourages infill development and promotes <br />the efficient use of urban services. <br />Policy 1,01,1,6 To minimize impacts on local transportation facilities, <br />development which generates high traffic volumes should be <br />located adjacent to or have safe and adequate access to <br />principal arterials, expressways or other district transportation <br />facilities. <br />Policy 1.01.1,7 Transportation facilities should be planned and located in a <br />manner that minimizes the potential for adverse impacts on <br />adjacent land uses. <br />Policy 1,01.1,8 Multi-Modal transportation facilities and services should be <br />recognized and encouraged by Orange County and its <br />municipalities when making land use planning decisions. <br />Policy In order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, <br />Orange County and its municipalities would provide the <br />means for bicycle and pedestrian access between adjacent <br />land uses. <br />z <br />G:\Administrative Div\Sherri\Land Use Plan Element\LUP GOPaForrnat Example.doc <br />