Agenda - 10-21-2004-1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2004
Agenda - 10-21-2004-1
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4 <br />3, Future space needs based on projected and historical program growth <br />4. Special considerations of future space (reception areas, specialized services areas, etc) <br />5, Storage needs, including plans for reducing need through use of technology <br />& Meeting Room needs <br />7. Parking <br />8. Security concerns <br />9. Adjacency requirements to other County functions that would yield the expected level of <br />customer service. <br />Results were incorporated into a database by Freeman White Architects, A copy was provided <br />to the County and it includes the data upon which this report is based. <br />D. Scope of Study <br />The study encompasses all County functions whose space needs require solution by 2010, with <br />several exceptions as noted in the report. Recommendations were withheld for a limited <br />number of projects, pending the outcome of work by groups other than the Space Needs Task <br />Force. Those projects will be incorporated into the Final Space Needs Task Force Report, <br />scheduled for publication in Fall 2001. <br />E. Options and Recommendations — Overview <br />Departments were grouped into functional classifications according to their primary service <br />delivery, and the data for each functional classification were assessed for both current <br />adequacy and long -term need. Various options were developed for meeting the stated needs <br />through expansion of existing County buildings or construction of new ones. Through Task <br />Force deliberation, a recommended option was selected for each function using the criteria <br />below. <br />1. Criteria for Selection of Recommended Option, <br />a. Overcrowded facility.. The present facility is significantly overcrowded. <br />b, Growth and no recent new space. The Department has been allocated no additional space <br />over the past decade although significant employee growth or increases in service demands <br />have occurred, <br />c, Improved service and /or collaboration. Carrying out the Task Force recommendation will <br />provide significant opportunities for improved service delivery and /or collaboration among <br />like function departments within County government. <br />d, Reduced rental costs. Carrying out the Task Force recommendation will provide the <br />opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of, or eliminate the need for, existing property for <br />which the County currently pays rent, <br />e, Long - standing need, The initiative is a long- standing need with considerable public support, <br />2. Rationale for Construction of County facilities <br />Less than $10 million of County money has been used to construct county facilities since 1990, <br />although the County has grown considerably during that same time period. In some respects, <br />this report reflects the significant space deficit under which County operations exist. As a point <br />of comparison, it should be noted that during the 1990's the County spent $140 million on <br />school construction to provide the excellent schools of which we are so proud, <br />3. Levels of Need <br />The needs have been categorized into three levels, in an attempt to address them in a priority <br />order as well as to group the resulting projects into segments that are realistic in term of the size <br />
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