Orange County NC Website
Town of Hillsborough stormwater Management Program <br />Work Plan September 2010 <br />• Stillhouse Creek Program <br />Continue collaboration with OSWCD, ERCD, and Hillsborough's Public Works <br />department on the stormwater BMP demonstration project. Since this is a highly <br />visible location, staff will continue developing an educational program centered <br />on this area. This may include a rain garden workshop(s) and possibly other <br />outreach events promoting these stormwater BMPs. Educational materials will be <br />installed within the information kiosk that is part of the demonstration project. <br />• Additional Educational Programs <br />The Town of Hillsborough is a member of the Clean Water Education Partnership <br />(CWEP). CWEP leverages resources from multiple local governments to conduct <br />educational and outreach programs geared towards reducing stormwater runoff <br />pollution and clean water. Programs include mass media campaigns such as <br />television, radio, intemet, and printed materials. Orange County stormwater staff <br />will continue representing the Town's interests on the CWEP steering committee. <br />Continue providing educational programs to scouts groups, homeowner <br />associations, and other civic groups as requested. Provide educational <br />information to local business, and evaluate the feasibility of conducting <br />workshops for local business targeting illicit discharge and good housekeeping <br />practices. <br />2. Public fnvotvement and Participation <br />The Town's stormwater public involvement and participation program includes <br />maintaining an informational website with contact information, participation in local <br />events and festivals, participation in NC Big Sweep, volunteer stream monitoring at <br />two locations, input from the Town board, and a rain garden program. <br />Measurable Goals <br />• Public Meeting <br />The Town of Hillsborough will conduct one public meeting to allow local citizens <br />to review and provide input on the stormwater management plan. <br />• Informational Website and Hotline <br />Provide stormwater content and information for the Town maintained website. <br />Include contact information for citizens to report concerns or make requests. <br />Respond to citizen request as warranted. <br />• Outreach Events/Festivals <br />Participate in various local events and festivals. This may include Hillsborough's <br />Hog Day Festival, Eno River Festival, Last Friday's, H2Orange meetings, and <br />other eventsffestivals. Hand out information to the public regarding stormwater <br />impacts and answer citizen questions. <br />r~,..... ~~ ..r~~ <br />