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ORANGE COUNTY Attachment I <br />HILLSBOROUGH <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />Manager's Office <br />March 3, 2005 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />FROM: John Link, County Manage <br />SUBJECT: Interim Re ort On Use of Pr on Labor <br />Establis/zed 1752 <br />At the January 24, 2005 Board of Commissioners' meeting, the Board requested a <br />report on County policy and/ar practice as it involves the use of prison labor. I've <br />provided here an interim report. <br />Historically there has been no clear policy definition. In response to the Board's <br />inquiry in 2000, I had provided follow up information with the September 8, 2000 <br />Manager's Memo (Attachment 1). With that memorandum, Public Works had <br />provided the Attachment 2 report. <br />To assess recent use of prison labor, Personnel Director Elaine Holmes surveyed <br />the County departments. Several departments responded. For example, OPT has <br />used prison labor to wash OPT vehicles once a year. Emergency Management has <br />used prison labor in the past to remove storm debris. Elections used prison labor <br />several years ago to help unload ballots and move precinct supplies after an <br />election. Solid Waste contacts DOT annually to request litter pick up on Old 86. <br />Prison labor has been used in the past to clear trash and restack materials at Twin <br />Creeks.. <br />If we were to have a policy, it would be helpful for us to know from Commissioners <br />what you think should be the departing point. One approach would be to use prison <br />labor only for work that could be seen as potentially rehabilitative. Far example, this <br />could be considered in terms of the kinds of goals associated with Work First such <br />as learning to follow instructions, work cooperatively with others, and complete work <br />assignments. One element I would include in this policy is provision that we will not <br />use inmate labor in functions requiring proximity to the public or County employees. <br />I look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this. Meanwhile, we will <br />discontinue use of prison labor without the Board's specific endorsement or further <br />direction. <br />cc: Elaine Holmes <br />