Orange County NC Website
~~-~7'-2do9 <br />^ ~ e. <br />-Please return this copy to _• <br />Clerk to the Board's office for PAF <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL, a North Carolina <br />Municipal Corporation, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevazd, Chapel Hill, North Cazolina, hereinafter as <br />"Town" and Orange County through the Depaztment on Aging (Senior Center Services)., Post Office Box 8181, <br />Hillsborough, North Cazolina 27278, hereinafter referred to as "Senior Center Services." <br />WITNESSETH <br />That for and inconsideration of the mutual promises and conditions set forth below, the Town and SENIOR CENTER <br />SERVICES agree: <br />WHEREAS, SENIOR CENTER SERVICES provides recreation programs for senior citizens in the Town of Chapel <br />Hill; and <br />WHEREAS, SENIOR CENTER SERVICES, through this program, provides programs, events, social interaction <br />activities, and support services to elderly residents of the Town of Chapel Hill; and <br />WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Town that said program be assisted by the Town and thereby be available to the <br />residents of the Town, and said program addresses an important community human services need, as identified by the <br />Town's Human Services Advisory Boazd; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, the <br />Town and SENIOR CENTER SERVICES agree as follows: <br />TOWN SUPPORT: <br />SENIOR CENTER SERVICES agrees to provide the services described in the Work Statement of this <br />Agreement. By resolution 2009-06-22/R-7 the Town Council appropriated the sum of Thirty-six Thousand <br />Eight Hundred Dollars ($36,800) to SENIOR CENTER SERVICES for fiscal yeaz 2009-2010. The Town does <br />not obligate itself to provide any other support to SENIOR CENTER SERVICES this fiscal yeaz or in <br />succeeding years. <br />SENIOR CENTER SERVICES agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Chapel Hill and its officers, <br />agents and employees from all loss, liability, claims or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising <br />from bodily injury, including death or property damage to any person or persons caused in whole or in part by <br />the negligence or willful misconduct of the Contractor except to the extent same are caused by the negligence or <br />misconduct of the Town. <br />Non-Discrimination: The Contractor shall administer all functions without discrmination because of race, <br />creed, sex, national origin, age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. <br />PAYMENT AND DOCUMENTATION: <br />The appropriation shall be paid to SENIOR CENTER SERVICES in semi-annual installments at the end of <br />eachhalf-yeaz period in which services were provided, pursuant to the Work Statement attached hereto. Each <br />semi-annual instalhnen' will be for Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($18,400). Th ~ Town's obligation <br />to make each payment is contingent upon receiving satisfactory documentation and accounting of expenditures <br />as detailed in the attached Work Statement. <br />FINANCIAL RECORDS: <br />SENIOR CENTER SERVICES agrees to furnish the Town with semi-annual financial statements as detailed in <br />the attached Work Statement. In addition, SENIOR CENTER SERVICES agrees to allow the Town to inspect <br />its financial books and records upon reasonable notice during normal working hours. <br />