Orange County NC Website
2. C. Pet License Fees: <br />• It is understood that the County is responsible for setting its animal taxes (or pet license <br />fees) pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A-153. Animal tax. <br />• It is understood that the Town is responsible for setting its animal taxes (or pet license <br />fees) pursuant to North Cazolina General Statute 160A-212. Animal taxes <br />• The Town and the Caunty agree to provide each other with at least 60 days of notice <br />about any change that they are malting in their respective animal taxes (or pet license <br />fees) <br />• The County agrees to collect animal taxes (or pet license fees) for the Town and to remit <br />or credit those taxes to the Town in a manner that is mutually agreeable to the County <br />and the Town. <br />3. Upon receipt of invoice for the services of Animal Control and EARS, the Town shall <br />make four equal quarterly installment payments to the County of $18,750 for a total <br />payment of $75,000. <br />4. This agreement shall be in effect for the period beginning 3uly 1, 2008 and ending June 30, <br />2009, subject to annual renewal as negotiated and agreed upon by both parties, unless <br />either party gives 30 days notice of intention to cancel this agreement. <br />In wirness whereof, the parties hereunto cause this agreement to be executed in their respective <br />. names on this the a ~'~ day of , 2008 by <br />Orange County Board Commissioners _ <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair ` ~ <br />Town Manager, Town of Chapel Hill ~ <br />Chief of Police, Town of Chap 1 Hill " <br />I I <br />Approved as torm• <br />County Attorney <br />This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner regnir by a Local Government and <br />Fiscal Control Act. <br />Finance Dfrector, Town of Chapel Hill ~ I / <br />