Orange County NC Website
<br />5. That Extension employees will follow county policies relative to office hours, office closings <br />• for inclement weather and holidays, and for the management and use of county property. <br />6. That Extension employees will not be classified under a county classification system. <br />7. Send-in Provisions of the Cooperative Arrangement <br />7.1. Transitioning to Send-In <br />7.1. l .A11 new hires to Cooperative Extension beginning January 1, 2007, and thereafter, <br />will be covered under the "send-in" payroll arrangement provisions as outlined <br />below. <br />7.1.2.A11 current Extension employees innon-send-in payroll arrangements as ofOctober <br />1, 2006, will have two open-window options in which to convert from "non- <br />. send-in" (also known as "regular") to "send-in" per their respective individual <br />choices. There will be two annual conversion windows in which the employees <br />will make their choice. These two annual windows will coincide with the annual <br />NC Flex open-enrollment dates for 2006 and 2007 as published by NC Flex. <br />Employees must communicate their desire to change to "send-in" by submitting <br />an official request form available from the College of Life Sciences Personnel <br />Office at NCSU or NCCEP Administrative office. The change will be effective <br />January 1 of the year following the communication of their choice, either 2007 or <br />2008. The employee must utilize the NC Flex open-enrollment period to change <br />any applicable benefits except for retirement contributions and health insurance. <br />Outside of these two specific open-enrollment periods, current employees will <br />(1) remain in their respective county's payroll arrangement for the remainder of <br />their employment in their respective county, or (2) change to "send-in" under the <br />provisions outlined in 7.1.3. or 7.1..4. below. <br />7.1.3.Effective January 1, 2007, and thereafter, all current Extension employees <br />transferring between counties into other Extension positions will be converted to <br />"send-in" upon transfer to the new County. <br />7.1.4.NCCES/NCCEP will review the total population of non-send-in employees <br />across the state annually each March 1. At such time that the total number of <br />Extension employees across the State falls to or below 50, irrespective of the <br />individual count in any one county, all remaining non-send-in employees will be <br />converted to "send-in" effective January 1 of the next year. NCCES/NCCEP will <br />notify in writing the respective Boards and County Managers by May 1, so that <br />arrangements can be considered in time for the changing fiscal years beginning <br />July 1. <br />7.2. Establishing Accounts to Operationalize the Send-In Process <br />To operationalize the "send-in" payroll arrangement, NCCES/NCCEP will establish a <br />-~ Trust Fund Account for the County at NCSU/NCA&T that will serve as the vehicle for <br />the transfer of funds from the County to NCSU/NCA&T for use in paying the county's <br />-, agreed-upon share of salary and benefits for Extension personnel. <br />7.2.1.Procedure for Providing Funds to the Account <br />A State Treasurer's Electronic Payment System (STEPS) form will be completed. <br />and the original submitted to the Associate Director of Cooperative Extension <br />via the appropriate District Extension Director. The County Finance Officer, <br />T AS ORIGINAL <br /> <br />