2004 NS Planning - Draft MOU between The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization
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2004 NS Planning - Draft MOU between The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization
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Last modified
3/2/2011 2:07:05 PM
Creation date
1/23/2019 11:24:56 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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This governing board shall be known as the Executive Committee. A Chair and Vice-Chair <br />shall be elected from among the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the individual MPO policy boards as <br />listed above in items a through d, with the Chair from one MPO and the Vice-Chair from the <br />other MPO. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall hold office for no more than two (2) consecutive <br />years. The presence of four (4) members including at least one elected official member of each <br />MPO shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee. The designees of teach elected <br />official representative on the Executive Committee shall also be an elected official serving on <br />the Transportation Advisory Committee on each metropolitan planning organization. The <br />Executive Committee shall meet no less than three times during the calendar year. A joint <br />meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee of the two MPOs may substitute for <br />meetings of the Executive Committee. <br />Section 2 Executive Committee Responsibilities <br />The primary task of the Executive Committee shall be to consider matters of regional <br />importance previously discussed individually bathe two MPOs and provide information on <br />decisions reached bythe Executive Committee to the two MPOs for MPO action. Prior to action by <br />the Executive Committee, all matters requiring action shall be placed on the agendas of the <br />Transportation Advisory Committee of CAMPO and DCHC MPO. On matters that require a vote <br />of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee members shall consult with the policy board <br />they represent. The North Carolina Board of Transportation members shall vote in a manner <br />consistent with the policies of the Department of Transportation. If in the event an individual <br />Executive Committee member has not had a reasonable opportunity to consult with the policy board <br />he/she represents, that member shall be permitted to exercise judgment on the matter at hand. In the <br />spirit of cooperation, every effort will be made to reach consensus on matters coming before the <br />Executive Committee. <br />Section 3 Executive Committee Meetings <br />All meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to all members of the Transportation <br />Advisory Committees of CAMPO and DCHC MPO. These members shall have an opportunity to <br />address the Executive Committee, at the discretion of the presiding officer. Also, members of the <br />Technical Committee (addressed in Section 5 of this document) and staff shall be permitted to <br />attend meetings of the Executive Committee. Meeting locations shall be determined by the <br />Executive Committee. The inaugural meeting of the Executive Committee shall set the times, dates, <br />and locations for the meetings to be held during the remainder of the year. During the final meeting <br />of the Executive Committee during a given year, a calendar that sets forth the times, dates, and <br />locations of meetings for the following year shall be approved. <br />Section 4 General Meetings <br />A joint meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committees of CAMPO and DCHC MPO <br />may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee and may substitute for a meeting of the <br />Executive Committee. The purpose of the joint meetings shall be to provide a forum for the <br />discussion of transportation and related issues that affect the region. <br />
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