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<br />WEST TEN SOCCER CENTER <br />SUMMARY OF COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION <br />From the July 21, 2004 Public Comment Session <br />Present at the meeting were: Brian Oswald (Cedar ridge High School Coach), Clnis <br />LaRocca (Orange High School Coach), Herrry Joluis (Mebane City Council), Dean Ray <br />(Mebane Recreation and Parks Director), Chip Foushee (Mebane Youth Soccer <br />Association), Artie Franklin (BOCC Candidate), Leigh Peek (Coleman, Gledhill, <br />Hargrave and Peek), Roosevelt Carter (Citizen), Jonathan Coleman (News of Orange <br />Comity), Geoffrey Graybeal (C.hapel Hill Herald) and Commissioner Barry .lacobs. <br />Staff present were: Diarme Reid, Ardra Webster, Dan Derby, Lori Taft, Dave Stancil, <br />Craig Benedict, David Hunt, Gwen Harvey, Rod Visser; Mike Harnrnersley (Consultant) <br />Rod Visser started with introductions, <br />Then he explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the design of West-Ten <br />Soccer Center adjacent to the new Orange County Middle School on West Ten Rd & I85. <br />A Soccer S}nnposium was created 5 years ago, which brought together a group that <br />produced a report, which recognized the severe shortage of soccer fields tluoughout <br />Orange County. The desire was to develop additional soccer fields in Orange County <br />which would increase access to soccer for both adults and children. The Soccer <br />Symposimn had a lot to do with the Orange County Commissioners urcluding in the <br />November 2001 Bond Referendum a proposal 2 million dollars that will be ear marked <br />for what is referred to as The Soccer Superfund which is to be used to acquire land and <br />build fields. Various pazks & recreation staff, elected officials, and advisory boards came <br />together in 1999-2000 to work on a number of issues related to recreation, including <br />increasing soccer fields, In the past few years a number of things have been done to <br />increase the number of fields.. A few examples would be the sower field at Efland <br />Cheeks and also the field at Scroggs Elementazy. There are also plans to include 3 or 4 <br />Fields at Twin Creeks and also 3 or more fields at Southern Comnnmity Park, The other <br />major thing that lead us to where we are tonight was the decision by the Orange County <br />Board of Education to build its next middle school on a portion of 100-acre of land <br />between West Ten Rd.& I85 on the west end of Orange County. The Board only needs <br />67-acres to build the school which leaves .33-acres, also known as the Euliss Property, <br />available for some other use, The land is marginally cleared and very flat. The purpose of <br />this meeting tonight is to receive public input and have an open conversation in an <br />informal way about what the public would like to see go into the design of this proposed <br />"Soccer Center." <br />Lori Taft spoke of visiting other soccer facilities, using Bryan Park as the main example, <br />comnnuiicating with organizations that have built soccer fields to decide what would be <br />ideal to fit in the 33-acres. She reviewed a list of parameters given to the design firm to <br />included in the design. 1) six full-size soccer fields (.360 x 225) which is quite large, The <br />thinking there is that maximum fields but could also be used for smaller fields, by turning <br />them sideways and could then accommodate many more youth teams at the sane time. <br />