Agenda - 10-19-2004-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-19-2004
Agenda - 10-19-2004-9a
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8/29/2008 2:39:02 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:25:02 AM
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2004 S Purchasing - Interlocal Agreement on OCS Middle School #3/West Ten Soccer Complex
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
Minutes - 20041019
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approximately 66 acres would be needed to satisfy the land requirements for OCS Middle <br />School #3). <br />Also in March 2004, the BOCG authorized the purchase for $508,500 of the approximately 34 <br />acres immediately adjacent to the east of the Orange County Middle School site for the <br />development of a soccer complex, <br />Exploration of Cost Saving Approaches <br />Thereafter, County and OCS staff and the middle school architects have held discussions about <br />how the adjacent locations of the middle school and soccer park sites could lead to economies <br />of scale in design and construction of both the soccer complex and the middle school, leading <br />to cost savings in bath projects, In May 2004, the Board approved a contract with Corley, <br />Redfoot and Zack (CRZ) -the same firm engaged by OC5 to design the middle school -for <br />these services. In June 2004, the BOCC considered and approved the pre-concept plan <br />(Attachment 1) for the soccer complex and authorized staff to work with the Orange County <br />Schools and CRZ to: <br />• determine the most appropriate method of bidding the site development of the soccer park <br />along with site work for the school; <br />• obtain community input through an outreach process consistent with the pre-concept plan <br />approved by the Board of Commissioners in March 2004; <br />• authorize the issuance of the bid for the pre-grading component of the project; <br />• authorize the development of an interlocal agreement with the Orange County Board of <br />Education to accomplish the concurrent bidding of the school and West Ten Soccer <br />Complex to achieve economies of scale; and <br />authorize the development of all easements necessary for access, utilities and parking, <br />The pre-concept plan for the soccer complex included its interrelatianshiptyith the OCS Middle <br />School and particularly the shared use of access facilities and parking, The eastern access <br />drive to the middle school will be located almost entirely on the soccer complex property, <br />Parking that will be located an both the school property and the soccer complex property will <br />have a potential to be shared. <br />Special Use Permit <br />In June 2004, the Board of Commissioners approved the special use permit (SUP) for the <br />Orange County Middle School #3. That special use permit, in the interest of shared <br />opportunities and a safer intersection at West Ten Road, provided for the eastern drive of the <br />school to be located on the soccer complex property with cross access easements to ensure <br />that the drive will be available for both school use and soccer complex use, The special use <br />permit also gave the school the option of meeting impervious surface requirements for the <br />Upper Eno protected watershed by 1) keeping the impervious surfaces an the school property <br />to 12% or less without the use of structural best management practices (BMPs) or 2) in effect, <br />exceeding the 12% impervious surface limit and operating structural BMPs. Finally, the special <br />use permit, contemplating that the non-stn~ctural BMP approach would be utilized by the Board <br />of Education, provided for the Board of Edtcation to convey to Orange County a conservation <br />easement to the area of the Board of Education property north of the athletic complex, the <br />terms of which were subsequently to be agreed upon by the Board of Education and the <br />County. <br />The combination site plan for the Orange County Middle School #3 and the West Ten Soccer <br />Complex, with its shared facilities, accomplishes the goal of not exceeding 12% impervious <br />
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