Orange County NC Website
~ ~: <br />by capital project ordinance, an additional appropriation to the <br />capital expense fund of the BOARD OF EDUCATION of $2,200,000 <br />more than $27,800,000 for high school #3: <br />1. Transportation Targets. The building shall be located <br />within '-~ mile of an existing or planned trail, greenway, bikeway <br />or bus line. The building shall reduce student parking by 25% <br />from Orange County Construction Standards, provide bike racks <br />and storage for 10% of the building occupants and provide <br />preferred parking for carpools and alternative vehicles; <br />2. Site Targets. The site shall preserve a minimum of <br />30% of the site in undeveloped space and shall provide shade on <br />at least 30% of non-roof impervious surface on the site within 5 <br />years or use an open grid pavement system, with less than 500 <br />impervious surface, for 50% of the parking area. The site shall <br />comply with the Town of Carrboro's new stream protection plan <br />and implement a storm management plan that does not increase the <br />rate or quality of runoff from the site; <br />3. Building Targets. The building design shall stress <br />compact design features including multi-story construction. The <br />physical education and athletic facilities shall be designed to <br />minimize land disturbance; <br />4. Water Use Target. Design standards shall have a goal <br />of aggregate water reduction of 20% of the base, not. including <br />2 <br />