Orange County NC Website
<br />Advantages of the <br />Current Legislation <br />the additional revenues from taxes levied on the incremental value of the <br />property in the territorial area. <br />The 1993 version removed the words "tax-increment" from the ballot language.. <br />The 1982 version read: [ ]for [ ]Against <br />Constitutional amendment permitting the General Assembly to enact general <br />laws permitting the issuance of tax-increment bonds, without voter approval. <br />TiF projects in other states have been criticized for several reasons.. This analysis <br />seeks to scrutinize the proposed PDF amendment in order to assess what it <br />does well and where it falls short. <br />The proposed amendment attempts with mixed success, to taI<e several positive <br />steps to ensure the community will benefit from each project <br />Initial Application is Detailed -The "development financing plan" must include <br />the project's boundaries, purpose, cost, how it will be financed, projections for <br />increases in land values, and how long it will take for the increased property <br />values to pay off the bond. In addition, the project's impending effect on the <br />community must be described, such as how many jobs will be created, the <br />impact on affordable housing and displacement in the area, and on services. If <br />the effect is negative, the plan must describe what activities the local <br />government will undertake to lessen such impact, <br />• Public Notification and Hearing -All businesses and homeowners within the <br />designated district must be given ample notification about proposals because <br />they are sent first-class mail (in contrast to notification by a newspaper ad) that <br />includes information about the project and the required public hearing to be <br />held.. <br />• Size of Districts are Restricted -The district may not exceed five percent of the <br />total land area of the city. To reduce urban sprawl, legislation also caps the <br />land size for large retail developments located outside a central business district <br />to 20 percent of the total allocated space designated to a project, <br />Layers of Approval Required -The proposals are thoroughly reviewed during <br />multiple steps imbedded in the approval process., <br />1. Before the city can approve the project, the Department of <br />Environment and Natural Resources must first conduct an <br />environmental impact study. However, this provision applies only to <br />new manufacturing facilities. In contrast, if a new retail shopping <br />center or any other type of project is approved, there will be no <br />environmental study and no study to determine the impact on traffic, <br />Z. After the city approves the project, each affected county <br />commissioner must be sent a notice of the development plan, <br />Although the county is not required to officially approve the plan, the <br />commissioners are given 28 days from the date the information was <br />mailed to disapprove the plan. <br />3, The most significant and comprehensive examination of the project, <br />its effects, and the security of its financing, is conducted by the Local <br />Government Commission (LGC). The nine member commission, <br />established in 1931, is headed by the state treasurer, The commission <br />is charged with approving all local government requests to borrow <br />4 BTC REPORTS • NC BUDGET &T0.% CENTEk <br />