Orange County NC Website
y <br />What is project <br />Development <br />Financing? <br />allowed to issue tax-backed debt without going before local voters as is <br />required under current law. Previous efforts to win voter support have failed as <br />voters resoundingly defeated the effort in bath 1982 and 1993.. This issue of <br />BTC Reports discusses the pros and cons of "Project Develapment Financing'; <br />examines the movement's histary to gain approval, and gives <br />recommendations far changes that should be implemented. <br />(")roject Development Financing (PDF) arid Tax-Increment Financing (T1F) work in <br />'I the same manner. Both are methods of financing local government projects <br />through the issuance of "self-financing bonds." North Carolina and Arizona are the <br />only states without this financing option.. The process begins with a taxing district <br />(i..e,, city or county) preparing a detailed analysis of the plan to invest in the <br />development or redevelopment of a tract of commercial land. The financing <br />scheme can be used for a variety of purposes. Examples of potential projects include <br />expanding a school, building sidewalks, acquiring land for an office park or <br />shopping center, demolishing or renovating an unused warehouse, or paying for <br />the planning costs associated with site development for a private corporation. If the <br />project is approved, a bond to fund the project is issued. The bond is paid for by <br />reallocating the amount of increase in the "base valuation" of properly tax revenues <br />that occur in the designated district. Once the bond is repaid (they are typically <br />issued for 10 to ZS years); property tax revenues return back to the taxing district <br />2 BTC REPORTS NC BUDGET Rc TAX CENTER <br />•~ ~ . ~. <br />