Orange County NC Website printer-friendly story <br />an option. <br />a~ <br />"I have come to realize there are very few checks and controls on keeping this new tool from being used <br />less discriminatingly," she said, "I'm disturbed in general by the fact that it's not being billed as a tax <br />instrument, but in the end, ifa project failed, the community could be stuck paying the bill. <br />"If I thought it was a tool that would be only used in really desirable projects with a greater chance of <br />success and a lot offail-safes, then I would be for it," she added, "But it seems to me that projects are <br />getting done slowly but surely without [tax-increment financing]," <br />Chad Adams, director of the Center for Local Innovation at the .Iolm Locke Foundation, is one of those <br />raising strong objections to the amendment.. <br />Adams, who also is a Lee County commissioner, said he didn't believe that cities and counties could <br />"borrow their way to success," <br />He argued that the state should look to lower personal and corporate taxes in the name of economic <br />development, rather than allowing a financial tool that he described as essentially a subsidy for private <br />ventures. <br />Tax-increment financing "is not a panacea," he said. "It's another method by which local politicians can <br />spend money without taxpayer approval, plain and simple, <br />Instead, "if it's a good [redevelopment] project, take it to the voters," he said. "If you believe in it that <br />strongly, pressure the Legislature to make it easier to hold a referendum," <br />Links related to this article: <br />The Herald-Sun's VoteBook: www.heraldsun,com/votebook/ <br />iJRI, for dais article: http://www herald-sun com/orange/10-532204.Udn1 <br />© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. All material on is copyrighted by The <br />Durham Herald Company and may not be reproduced or redistributed in any medium except as <br />provided in the site's Terms of Use. <br />[~aclc] <br />http://www, 10/13/2004 <br />