Orange County NC Website
15' <br />North Carolinians, for Jobs ~ Progress <br />VOTE FOR AMENDMENT ONE <br />Self-Financing Sonds <br />Overview: <br />Self-financing bonds are a powerful job tool used in 48 states in this country -including every state east of the <br />Mississippi except North Carolina. An amendment to the North Carolina Constitution is requited before local <br />governments can use this tool. In November 2004, North Carolinians will have a chance to vote for jobs and <br />opportunity. <br />Description: <br />- Self-financing bonds will be a tool that local governments can choose -but axe not required to use. <br />- Self-&nancing bonds will finance public improvements such as streets, water and sewer service and <br />sidewalks in special development districts. They also will be used to help spur private development, <br />including the re-use of abandoned textile and furniture factories. <br />- Unlike General Obligation Bonds, self-financing bonds do not require a vote of the people because they do <br />not obligate full faith and credit. <br />- The net gain in property taxes, generated witlvn the district by the improved property, will pay the debt <br />created from bonds issued by the local government. <br />- When the debt is retired, total property taxes generated by the district will go into the local government <br />general fund. <br />- Projects must be approved by independent and non-partisan NC Local Government Commission.. <br />- Limits axe placed on local governments' use of this tool, A total of only five percent of a government's <br />jurisdiction can be in development districts. <br />How our neighbors are using them: <br />Red River Development=Rocl; (-sill SC: Neighborhood enhancement program Total self-Enancing bonds will be <br />$25 million. Projected private investment is more than X140 million with additional tax revenues of $2.1 million <br />annually. Private development includes mall, hotel and theater <br />Manchester Ville Redevelopment District -Rock Hill, SC: X10 million to convert a former garbage transfer <br />station and Brownfield site owned by the City into viable commercial and residential development.. Residential <br />redevelopment includes 238 town-homes ranging from X110,000 to X240,000 and a proposed 312-unit luxury <br />apartment building. Commercial J~ aclopment includes restaurants, a hotel, office space, a cinema, a medical center, <br />and several large retail stores A~~nroximately 900 employees currently work on site. <br />Holl~nvood District -Hollywood, PL: Redevelopment of downtown, including commercial and residential. Bonds <br />will be Eor CIS million, with private investment projected for $100 million. Public projects include streets, parking <br />water and sewer. <br />Smvrna District - Stmn na. GA: ' 'n to $30 trillion in bonds to support the renovation of a 1950s shopping center <br />into high-end condominiums, .rr ~ r Icvel retail and office space. <br />Brooli~n Industrial Parl: - Brool;h n, IA: The Industrial Parh is located in a development district. If a business <br />moves into the district, the town uses self-financing bonds to pay for water, sewer and streets. <br />