Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> 3) in Part 5, refer to the Greene Tract as a "public" asset, instead of a <br /> "landfill" asset. The Chapel Hill Council is of the view that because the County, for the <br /> benefit of the solid waste system, is getting outright title to 60 acres of the Greene Tract <br /> for the purposes of the System, there should be no claim of the solid waste fund to any <br /> further reimbursement related to any other portion of the Greene Tract; the grant of the <br /> sixty acres should provide adequate compensation to the solid waste fund. Therefore, the <br /> reference to reimbursement as an item for negotiation should be deleted. <br /> I told the Chapel Hill Council that I would report these three points to the County <br /> and Carrboro Boards today. I said that I would then report back to the group on <br /> Wednesday morning as to where we stand after these three Board meetings. <br /> I will be in the office until about 3:30 today if you want to discuss any of these <br /> points or any other aspect of the agreement. Otherwise, I will look forward to seeing you <br /> later today at your respective meetings (County at a 5:00 session, Canboro at its regular <br /> evening meeting). <br /> RMJ <br /> __P P Q Q-Q a 4 -i-r-cinsser -u -nLjaao>j - RC4-LQLn-CC CT unr <br />