Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> (2 of 4) <br /> D. Recommend school facility priorities, timetables for completion, and related funding <br /> needs; and <br /> E. Determine the most appropriate means of managing the construction, renovation, or repair <br /> of public school facilities, within the funding available for these activities; and <br /> F. Whenever possible, address joint collocation of facilities on each parcel of land being <br /> considered for development; and <br /> G. Assign to the superintendent the responsibility of providing the necessary staffing and <br /> other resources to participate in a joint facility planning process. <br /> II. When joint development (or cooperative development)of facilities are planned for a school <br /> site, the Governing Boards of Orange County and/or the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and <br /> Hillsborough will, as appropriate and in their respective interests: <br /> A. Identify appropriate site criteria for county and municipal government facilities and <br /> facilities in which contracted county or municipal services are provided; and <br /> B. Identify interior space and exterior site requirements for county or municipal government <br /> facilities and facilities in which contracted county or municipal services are provided; and <br /> C. Determine priorities, timetables for completion, and related funding requirements for <br /> county or municipal government facilities; and <br /> D. Determine the most appropriate means of managing the construction, renovation, or repair <br /> of county or municipal government facilities; and <br /> E. Determine the funding available for school and county or municipal government facilities; <br /> and <br /> F. Assign to the County and/or Town Managers the responsibility of providing the necessary <br /> staffing and other resources to participate in a coordinated facility planning process; and <br /> G. Whenever possible, address joint collocation of facilities on each parcel of land being <br /> considered for development. <br /> III. The Orange County and/or Chapel Hill/Carrboro Boards of Education and the governing <br /> Boards of Orange County and/or the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and/or Hillsborough <br /> will jointly: <br /> A. Identify opportunities for collocating compatible public facilities on sites, including <br /> facilities for schools, county government, municipal governments, state and federal <br /> government, and other public authorities providing complementary public services; and <br />