Orange County NC Website
planners, and senior services professionals to work with senior citizens and other local <br />residents to promote physical activity in the neighborhood surrounding the County s <br />Southern Human Services Center located on Homestead Road in Chapel Hill, The grant <br />funds would allow the Health Department to contract with Triangle J Council of Governments <br />to conduct a walking trail assessment, including GIS analysis, and trail use criteria. The <br />Health Department plans to solicit citizen input, encourage citizen participation through <br />education, and share results of the assessment with the community at large, This budget <br />amendment provides for the receipt of these State funds, (See Attachment 1, column #5) <br />A high priority for the Orange County Board of Health is to expand services to include <br />primary care services for uninsured and underinsured (medically indigent) clients, The <br />approved current year Health Department budget includes ft~nding to support the initial <br />phases of the service expansion in Hillsborough beginning January 2005. The Health <br />Department has received notification of a one-time grant totaling $86,460 from the North <br />Carolina Office of Research, Demonstrations, and Rural Health Development in the <br />Department of Health and Human Services, The grant provides sufficient funding to support <br />temporary personnel, provide non-Medicaid clients with counseling and nutritional services, <br />and purchase a computer, printer, and software for the pharmacy, There is no County <br />match for the receipt of these funds.. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of <br />these State funds, (See Attachment 1, column #6) <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Department <br />On October 5, 2004, the Board of County Commissioners approved the acceptance and <br />purchase of an agricultural and watershed protection conservation easement from William <br />McPherson, Jr. and his son, William McPherson III. This easement will be held jointly by <br />Orange County and the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA). Orange County's <br />share of the costs, including closing and other transaction costs, is estimated at $68,000. <br />The County's share will came from the alternative financing for conservation easements <br />approved by the Board in fiscal year 2002-03. (See Attachment 3, Conservation Easement <br />Capital Project Ordinance) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above, <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the attached budget ordinance and capital project ordinance amendments, <br />