Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> <br />Commissioner McKee said at the December 3 meeting he asked for a report from <br />GoTriangle, which is even more critical now with the proposed tunnel in Durham County. He <br />petitioned for GoTriangle to give a report at the January 22nd BOCC meeting. <br />Commissioner Greene said Sunday 21st is the annual Lantern Walk in Hillsborough and <br />you can bring your own lantern, and meet at the Riverwalk in Hillsborough. She said it is a free <br />event, but one must register. <br />Commissioner Greene congratulated Carly Wheelis of Hillsborough, for being a finalist <br />for the National Horse Trainer of the year. She said Carly is 16 years old. Commissioner <br />Greene reviewed a bit of Carly’s history with horses. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said on Friday he and Commissioner Greene attended the <br />Justice Advisory Council, and received a presentation from Assistant District Attorney Jeff <br />Nieman and Daniel Bose, North Carolina Justice Center, on a project for driver’s license <br />restoration and the elimination of traffic court debt. He said during the presentation they learned <br />that Durham County recently funded a pilot program to have 4 attorneys to work on these <br />issues. He said he would like Orange County to fund a similar program with maybe one full time <br />attorney to address these issues. He said he would like to have the presentation about the <br />Durham program at a future meeting. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said a resident recently contacted him about the usage of gray <br />water (water from washing dishes, taking showers, etc.), which the County currently requires to <br />be processed like black water (sewage). He said the State says gray water can be recycled for <br />home use or irrigation. He would like information from their Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br />(OWASA) representatives about the use of gray water for irrigation. <br />Chair Rich said when she was on the OWASA board they did work with UNC to put in <br />the purple pipes for gray water. She said it may not be in done as much in the County, and <br />more information can be provided. <br />Commissioner Price asked if there are plans for the Pat Sanford award to come before <br />the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said she will check with Bob Marotto, Animal Services Director. <br />Commissioner Price said she would like a resolution honoring Nate Davis who has <br />retired from the Town of Chapel Hill after 48 years. <br />Commissioner Price petitioned to recognize the seniors at Orange High School who are <br />on the Future Farmers of America team. She said this team won the highest state honor, and is <br />going on to the national completion. <br />Commissioner McKee said they often recognize ball teams for their accomplishments, <br />and he would like to recognize this team as well. <br />Commissioner Price said she received an email regarding the ABC Board and the <br />possibility of privatization, and she would like to ask the Board of County Commissioners to sign <br />on to the petition to oppose this. <br />Commissioner Bedford had no comments. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he previously proposed a resolution to support the Green <br />New Deal, and he will write a draft for the January meeting. <br />Chair Rich asked if staff could provide updates on the Hillsborough train station and the <br />Wegman site in Chapel Hill. <br />Chair Rich wished everyone a Happy Hanukkah, a day late. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos referred to an article about the train station, and he would like <br />to know the timing schedule for the construction of this station. <br /> <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> <br /> <br />a. November 6, 2018 General Election Follow-up Report