Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> <br />Commissioner Price said the annual Agricultural Summit will be on Monday, February <br />11th at Cedar Grove Community Center. She said all farmers are invited to participate and <br />should contact Tyrone Fisher. <br />Commissioner Price said she attended the Voluntary Ag District (VAD) breakfast and <br />thanked the landowners that have been participating in that program, and she thanked the <br />planners and organizers of this event and a shout out to Gail Hughes, Soil Conservationist. <br />Commissioner Price said she did not see any information about the widening of I-40 on <br />the website, and asked if staff could provide some. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said today the UNC Board of Trustees (BOT) announced a <br />proposal to spend $5.3 million to house the Silent Sam statue, as well as additional funds to <br />maintain it. He petitioned the Board to send a letter opposing the restoration of the statue on <br />campus and the exorbitant cost of this building. <br />Commissioner Greene said the Chapel Hill – Carrboro holiday parade is this Saturday. <br />Chair Rich also attended the VAD breakfast and some farmers came up to her and <br />thanked her for the food council. She said she also learned the history of the Schley Grange. <br />Chair Rich attended the Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG) meeting and they <br />picked one challenge to work on this year, which is the recruitment and retention of law <br />enforcement. She said this is an issue across the state, and came particularly from the Town of <br />Garner. She said she talked with the Sheriff and it is not a problem here in Orange County. <br />Chair Rich said she and Commissioner Marcoplos met with their representatives from <br />OWASA and would like to do this quarterly. She said they discussed the water main break and <br />learned a great deal. She said there is an independent study going on currently to determine <br />the next steps. <br /> <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> <br />a. Resolution of Recognition for James Stanford <br />The Board considered voting to approve a resolution expressing gratitude and <br />recognizing James (Jamie) C. Stanford for his service as Orange County Clerk of Superior <br />Court and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Commissioner McKee read the resolution: <br /> <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION FOR JAMES STANFORD <br /> <br />WHEREAS, James (Jamie) C. Stanford has served as Orange County Clerk of Superior Court <br />since May 2001 and was elected four times by the people of Orange County; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, under his leadership, 25 staff members have been responsible for all clerical record <br />keeping functions of the General Courts of Justice; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, as judge of probate, the Clerk of Court has exclusive original jurisdiction over <br />matters relating to the probate of wills and the administration of estates; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Clerk of Court also presides over many legal matters including adoptions, <br />incompetency proceedings, condemnation of private lands for public use, and foreclosures; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Stanford has provided area leadership as Chair of the Rules of Record Keeping <br />Committee and Chair of the Estates and Special Proceedings Forms Committee with the NC <br />Administrative Office of the Courts; and <br />