Orange County NC Website
18 <br /> <br />low and moderate-income households who are squeezed out of the housing market. Our <br />apartments mean safety, stability and hope for our tenants. <br />In the next year, CASA plans to continue to take action to create and preserve more housing for <br />those in our community who need it most. To do so, CASA requests that the County continue to <br />prioritize available funding for rental housing serving those below 50% of AMI, with a priority for <br />persons with disabilities and people experiencing homelessness. Orange County CAN get to <br />zero homeless households. CASA stands ready to help do just that. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br />close the public hearing. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />6. Regular Agenda <br />NONE <br /> <br />7. Reports <br /> <br />a. River Park Improvements Update <br />The Board reviewed planned improvements to River Park in downtown Hillsborough <br />prior to submittal to the Town of Hillsborough Historic District Commission. <br /> <br />David Stancil, Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) <br />Director reviewed the information below: <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: <br />River Park is a nine-acre park in downtown Hillsborough between the Orange County <br />Courthouse/Justice Facility/District Attorney’s Office on East Margaret Lane and the Eno River. <br />The park includes the David Price Farmers Market Pavilion, the Stillhouse Creek Stream <br />Restoration Project, a portion of the Hillsborough Riverwalk, and an area of open space <br />between the buildings and the river. Trails and a pedestrian bridge for the park were built <br />consistent with a master plan for the park that was completed in conjunction with the Justice <br />Facilities Expansion Project in 2010. The Farmers Market Pavilion was completed in 2008. <br /> <br />Since that time, the pavilion and the park have been used for regular farmers markets, movies <br />in the park, community egg hunts, concerts and other events. The site continues to be a <br />desirable destination for events and is regularly scheduled for a range of activities. <br /> <br />In June 2015, the Board approved funding in the Capital Investment Plan (CIP) and capital <br />budget to build the remaining facilities in the 2009 master plan. This work includes several <br />components (some of which are completed or underway): <br />• A performance stage/shell for the concerts and events that the park hosts; <br />• Realignment of the Riverwalk (part of the NC Mountains to Sea Trail) across a sturdier <br />pedestrian bridge (completed); <br />• Refurbishing and renovation of the Occoneechee Village (underway); <br />• Electrical improvements near the Farmers Market Pavilion (completed), and the addition <br />of more park benches; and