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15 <br /> <br /> <br />With approval of these additional acres, the Orange County Farmland Preservation program will <br />have enrolled 109 farms totaling 11,737 acres* in the VAD and 2,566* acres in the EVAD, for a <br />total of 14,303 acres** (rounded) in the program. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />Commissioner Dorosin asked if any farms can be found in the Hillsborough or Chapel <br />Hill Townships. <br />Gail Hughes said there are some on the edge, but not in the townships. She said she is <br />talking with someone on the edge of Carrboro, but in the township is unlikely, as the land would <br />likely not meet the necessary criteria; but she is open to talking with any interested parties. <br /> <br />Item 4-e (moved up item 11-a) <br />e. Appointments to the Orange County Justice Advisory Council <br />The Board considered voting on position changes to the Justice Advisory Council (JAC) <br />structure and making appointments to the Justice Advisory Council. <br />Caitlin Fenhagen, Criminal Justice Resource Director, reviewed the proposed changes <br />below: <br /> <br />• Delete the Emeritus Position. The current appointee, former Commissioner Bernadette <br />Pelissier, thought that it was an important position for the transition from the Justice <br />Advisory Work Group to the JAC, but believes the position is no longer necessary, as <br />does former Commissioner and JAC Chair Barry Jacobs; <br />• Convert the above position to a Domestic Violence Advocate position. The CJR staff is <br />recommending Cordelia Heaney, the Director of the Compass Center; and <br />• Add a Town and Campus Partnership position. The CJR staff is recommending Elinor <br />Landess, the Director of the Campus & Community Coalition of the Downtown <br />Partnership, for this position. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bedford said she does not know much about the history of the group, but <br />the list of positions is very traditional, and she asked if there is a plan to consider members such <br />as an advocate from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), <br />or other civil rights groups. <br />Cait Fenhagen said there are 3 formerly justice system involved individuals that serve, <br />and they give a very important perspective. She said there are other people that may be <br />appropriate to ask, and this would be a wonderful addition. <br />Chair Rich suggested that the Committee discuss this idea at its next meeting. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Dorosin to <br />approve the positions changes to the Justice Advisory Council (JAC) structure and making <br />appointments to the Justice Advisory Council. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />5. Public Hearings <br /> <br />a. Orange County Consolidated Plan – FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan Needs <br />Assessment Public Hearing <br />The Board received comments from the public regarding the housing and non-housing <br />needs to be included in the Action Plan Update for FY 2019-2020 (the fifth year of the 5-Year