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7 <br /> <br /> <br />Chapter 1 <br />Penalties- The Board indicated it may not be comfortable with violations of county <br />ordinances resulting in a $500 fine and 30 days in jail. Reducing the penalties here will <br />reduce the penalties for all those ordinances that don’t have a specific penalty included <br />within their terms. <br /> <br />Commissioner Price said her concern with this one is that it sounds like the <br />County is creating a debtors prison. <br />John Roberts said each offense is a separate offense, and could result in <br />thousands of dollars. He does not think that jail time has ever been imposed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if this has been changed anytime recently, because <br />he thought the BOCC objected previously to a $500 fine, and changed the wording to <br />“not to exceed $500.” <br />John Roberts said some ordinances have individual penalties, and this is the <br />general catchall penalty for the entire ordinance. He said some other individual <br />ordinances specify certain terms. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said all should say up to $500, or 30 days in jail, as this <br />gives the BOCC discretion. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if these penalties always come back to the Board, or only if <br />the offending party decides to make an appeal. <br />John Roberts said these penalties do not come back to the Board unless there <br />was an amendment, and he provided an example of violations of the solid waste <br />ordinance due to a lack of permit, and there was a $500 fine for each day of continued <br />violation. He said this rose to tens of thousands of dollars in fines. He said the case <br />was ultimately settled, permits obtained, and a much lesser amount of fees paid. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos clarified that one could receive a $500 fine and 30 <br />days in jail for putting the wrong type of insulation in a wall, that may have gone <br />unnoticed. <br />John Roberts said this is on here for discussion because the Chief Building <br />Inspector said this ordinance has never been enforced during his 14-year tenure, and it <br />would be difficult to do so due to substantial changes in state law since the ordinance <br />was implemented. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said what happens to these types of laws. <br />John Roberts said laws remain until they are repealed, and he did not know that <br />this was not being enforced. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if there is a reason to have an ordinance that is not <br />being enforced, or cannot be enforced. <br />Chair Dorosin said this is the point of the discussion, and this specific example is <br />recommended for repeal. <br />Commissioner Price said if this item is going to remain, then the fine should be <br />up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail. <br />John Roberts said that is the general penalty right now, and if the Board wants <br />him to look at other ordinances that do not include “up to” language, he can do so and <br />bring those back as well to repeal or amended. <br />Commissioner Price asked if there is someone responsible for determining <br />penalty or jail time. <br />John Roberts said it depends on the type of offense. He said the department <br />director would determine a civil penalty, and a judge would determine a criminal penalty <br />in the court system. <br />Commissioner Price asked if this is true of jail time as well.