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4 <br /> <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he would put a three-year term limit on positions, <br />and make it retroactive. <br />Commissioner Price agreed that they need a process, and to continue to keep <br />one board (either one of choice, or due to being an officer) for however long. <br />Commissioner Rich said she liked Chair Dorosin’s proposal. She said if the first <br />round is open, it may take care of the term limits. She agreed with having a process. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he does not feel that strong about any of this. <br />Chair Dorosin said this proposal is forcing the BOCC to do something different. <br />He said if term limits are imposed, it should be two years. He said that ‘no saves’ <br />produces the outcome that Commissioner Jacobs provided. <br />Commissioner McKee said he still does not see a problem, but rather a solution <br />searching for a problem. He said the existing process is good, and term limits would be <br />fine, but he does not know what the problem is. He said this seems like change for the <br />sake of change. <br />Chair Dorosin said he disagrees, and there are people in the same positions for <br />years, which limits the exposure and engagement of other BOCC members. <br />Commissioner McKee said throwing the process wide-open limits the continuity. <br />Commissioner Price agreed with Commissioner McKee. <br />Chair Dorosin said the current process, having one Commissioner potentially <br />serving on the same board for years on end, is not collectively good for Orange County. <br />Commissioner Price said she would like to pick at least one to keep. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he does not really see what the problem is, but he <br />understands what Chair Dorosin is trying to achieve. He said he would prefer having an <br />option to have a conversation about giving up boards that are picked. <br />Commissioner Rich said part of this conversation was raised by Commissioner <br />Jacobs due to Commissioner Gordon being on the Metropolitan Planning Organization <br />(MPO) for 18 years, which led to the rest of BOCC having no understanding of the MPO. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he agrees that a Commissioner should not serve on <br />the same board for that many years. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if Commissioner Jacobs is seeking open dialogue, <br />and if this would be effective. She said this current BOCC may be able to talk openly, <br />but not all Boards can. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said if a term limit is added, this problem could be <br />addressed. <br />Commissioner Price asked if there is a reason that the BOCC cannot trade <br />between the work session and the official vote. <br />Chair Dorosin said it should be done in an open meeting in the interest of <br />transparency <br />Chair Dorosin said there are several options, which could be combined: <br />• Option A – His proposed process: wide open in round one; no saves; and pick as <br />you like thereafter. <br />• Option B – keep the current process <br />• Option C – modified current process: one save only (whether an officer or not) <br />• Option D – add term limits <br />• Option E – one save; instead of going around the circle, go down the list of <br />boards to see who is interested. If more than one Commissioner is interested <br />then have discussion or decide via a vote. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rich said option E could become very personal. <br />Commissioner McKee said he would support option C with the addition of term <br />limits.