Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> <br />Commissioner Rich said she wanted to make sure this is no way stops the progress on <br />the MTS. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said this would be separate from the MTS. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he sent an email to the Board about the NC Clean Path, <br />an NCWarn event. He said this will discuss renewable energies, battery technology, etc. He <br />said he met with the presenter last year, and he is very informative. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he received two complaints about excessive gunfire <br />noise, and asked if this can be addressed. <br />Chair Dorosin said there will be a discussion on the noise ordinance at an upcoming <br />work session. <br />Commissioner Price said she was asked to talk about the Veteran’s Day Event on <br />November 10th at 11:00 a.m. at Southern Human Services Center, at the Veteran’s site. She <br />said this area is now ADA accessible. She said on that same day, the Sheriff’s Office will be <br />selling BBQ to raise money for the Veteran’s Memorial construction. <br />Commissioner Price said she attended the OCS State of the Schools event, which was <br />excellent. She said it included exhibits from the students, choral performances, dancing, etc. <br />She said the public in attendance was asked to complete a form expressing <br />questions/concerns about the OCS, and how to improve them. <br />Commissioner Price said Orange County needs to move forward on more projects to <br />expand the Family Success Alliance (FSA). <br />Commissioner McKee said he apologized for being late, and had an issue with a <br />newborn calf at his farm. <br />Chair Dorosin said was asked to give the keynote address at the InterFaith Council <br />(IFC) Annual meeting, which was a wonderful event. He said there are many positive things <br />happening in the community, and there needs to be better engagement of those in poverty in <br />community events. <br /> <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> <br />a. NC Ann Johnson Senior Center of the Year Award – Robert and Pearl Seymour <br />Center <br />The Board joined with Department on Aging staff in accepting the North Carolina Ann <br />Johnson Senior Center of the Year Award for the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center. <br />Brittany Williams, Chair of the N.C. Senior Center Alliance, made the presentation and <br />explained her organization. The Board joined with the Department on Aging, specifically <br />Robert and Pearl Seymour Center staff, to accept the award from the N.C. Senior Center <br />Alliance and the Board recognized staff for their work enabling the senior center to receive <br />statewide recognition. <br /> <br />5. Public Hearings <br />NONE <br /> <br />6. Regular Agenda <br /> <br />a. Award of Southern Campus Expansion Professional Services Agreement <br />The Board considered voting to approve entering into a Professional Services <br />Agreement with Smith Sinnett Architecture of Raleigh, NC for the design and construction <br />administration of the Southern Campus Expansion capital project upon final review of the <br />County Attorney; and authorizing the Manager to execute the Agreement and any subsequent