Minutes 11-02-2017
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 11-02-2017
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Last modified
1/22/2019 2:52:39 PM
Creation date
1/22/2019 2:52:30 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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RES-2017-070 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2017
RES-2017-071 Resolution approving Property Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2017
RES-2017-072 Resolution approving Applications for Property Exemption/Exclusion
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2017
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10 <br /> <br />Annette Moore, Staff Attorney, said it depends on the amount of alcohol being poured, <br />and there may be an exception in the amount that caterers are allowed to pour. <br />Commissioner Rich said she can use her own liability insurance to cover an event. <br />Annette Moore said Commissioner Rich’s situation is different than having a large event <br />on County property. <br />Commissioner Rich said sometimes it is easier to hire someone that can come in and <br />pour, rather than events getting permits. <br />Annette Moore said staff will be considering all these details. <br />Commissioner Jacobs referred to the last form at the back of the Board’s packet, and <br />clarified that this will be coordinated with Economic Development. <br />Jeff Thompson said yes, this is called out for suggested revision in the policy. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if Economic Development will explain to a vendor that the <br />County and Towns may have different rules. <br />Jeff Thompson said the person in Economic Development will shepherd this process, <br />and be a liaison for these vendors. <br />Commissioner McKee said he would like assurance of liability coverage for all possible <br />scenarios in order to protect the County. <br />Jeff Thompson said there is a host liquor liability policy, as well as a general liability <br />requirement by the applicant, which the risk manager will have to approve prior to the County <br />Manager doing so, which specifically indemnifies the County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the largest one-day fee, that one would have to pay to <br />use a county facility, could be identified. <br />Jeff Thompson said most events are not heavily charged. <br />Alan Dorman said $125/hour. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked what happens if there is a difference in interpretation of <br />the weather, and an event going forward or not. <br />Jeff Thompson said this would be his responsibility, and staff would work with residents <br />for a common sense solution. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if he (Jeff Thompson) or the Manager have the flexibility <br />to waive a fee, if there is hardship. <br /> Jeff Thompson said yes. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if this policy is for the three community centers. <br />Jeff Thompson said no, the policy is for any County facility that is available for public <br />use. He said the community centers are being added. He said as other properties are made <br />available, amendments will be brought forward to the BOCC to add these spaces onto the <br />policy. <br />Alan Dorman said the Manager has the right to waive/refund all fees due to inclement <br />weather. <br /> <br />A motion was made Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs for <br />the Board to amend the County's Facilities Use Policy to: <br /> <br />1) recognize and govern the recently renovated Cedar Grove, Efland Cheeks and Rogers <br />Road Community Centers; <br />2) update reservation, operations, and cancellation processes; <br />3) update the Fee Schedules for non-Parks and Recreation spaces; <br />4) address the requirement to ensure adequate meeting space for advisory and quasi- <br />judicial boards according to the Advisory Board Meeting Overflow Policy, dated <br />November 1, 2016; and
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