<br />Jure 30, 1958 meeting continued
<br />Tae of "",.aae ttate" and shall contain squues opposti to the affiraativo and negative forns, in one of
<br />;x]ich souares the voter may make a cross (::) mark.
<br />The voters of said area residing in the Carrboro School District shall vote at a voting piece
<br />at the 01d School Building in the Tosn of Cazrboro, Korth Carolina.
<br />A nev: registration of the qualii'ied voters in said area, as hereinafter described, i;as been
<br />ordered by the Board of Cormissioners of Orange County. The Re¢strarfor the voting precinct vrL1
<br />keep iris books open for per, registration of voters fz oa 9:00 o~clock f,. L;. until sunset on each day,
<br />e:ccent Sundays and holidays, Tor the period beginning on Satur~da;/, the 12th day of July, 1956, and
<br />ending on Saturday, the 26th day of July, 19}'6, being the second Saturday before such election, On
<br />each Saturday during such rsgistr etion period said Registrar ;;ill keen pis registration cool: open at
<br />the noLling place established for his precinct. The Registraz vrill attend the palling nlaco herein
<br />described on the last Saturday Cefore the election for the purpose of hearing challenges against airy
<br />of the registered voters.
<br />The County Eoard of Commissioners hersby appoints ?.irs. Lillian G. Kogan to act as Begistrar and
<br />Bruce Riggsbee and kiiley sraaklin to act as Judges of Election fps said Carrboro Precinct.
<br />Tno area xhich comprises the Cazffioro School District of Orange County is the area contained
<br />trittd.n the follmxing bourduies:
<br />BECKRfIiJG at a point at the intersection of the center line of the county road and the center
<br />line of State Univer =ty !Lallnay at EubaNs, thence along and rith the center line of said railz'oad
<br />in a southerly direction to ?Bain Street in the tm~m of Carrboro; thence south 4 deg. 21 min. East
<br />along the eastern boundary of the property of the Caz~rboro l'ioolen bills to the form limit; thence
<br />:xith form Limit in a resterly direction to the baci: property line of the property on the east side
<br />of County- }iighwaY s55d; thence in a southerly direction fo1lo:~dng tho back o!' the proper ty lines on the
<br />left side (east) of County Highway ;558 to the Chatham County line; thence in a Westerly direction
<br />along the Chatham Count,/ line to the intersection pi said county line nYth the to~~mshin line
<br />6etxreen Bingham and Chanel Hill 1'Qrmshi ps; thence due noztir along said toanshin line crossing the
<br />Jones Rerxy Road 1.25 miles northeasterly them its intersection with the Orange and Chatham County
<br />line; crossing Antioch Road at its intersection vrlth 11. C. secondary road „5163, crossing H, C,
<br />Hi ghWay x'154 just. nest of Cates Store, crossing iJ. C, secondazy road 1156 at Bethel Church, a total
<br />iistanco of 39,177 feet to the intersection of IJ. C, secondary road 11512 ;xith the Waved road that
<br />leads from Dodson~s Crossroeds southeasterly to Calvander (i;. C. secondary road iF511); thence along
<br />and with the center oi' said U. C, seconduy road 11512 in a northeasterly direction 1,564 feet to a
<br />point in the center oT said road; thence south 72 deg. 30 min. east 4,3d2 feet to a point in the
<br />center of the east side of loon road, said point being 3,696 feet norti; of the first intersection
<br />north of i~ieville~s Store; thence south 60 deg. 4S sdn. east 4,752 feet to a point in the center
<br />of the old ii. C. lighvray r~66, said point being 2,640 feet north of the first intersection north of
<br />lalvander; thence south 74 dog. 00 min, east 8,190 feet to the center of University Railroad at its
<br />intersection -a-ith the center' 1v+L of the county road gnat leads from Llr'oanks vrestrraxdiy to old
<br />U. C. Highxay /,'86.
<br />A11 bearings referred to true meridian as calculated from scaled values and di atarces computed
<br />from scaled values from North Carolina State Highxay and Public ',ions Commission z;an of Orange as
<br />revised June 30, 1957, by Robert A. Jones, Registered Surveyor,
<br />After canvass by the Hoard of County Commissioners of the results of said electi or. when the
<br />returns have been filed with them by the officers holding the election, and ii said election shall be
<br />carried try a majority or' the votes cast in said election, then and in such event the Chepel Hill
<br />City Adnuni strative Unit Trill be enlarged as of Su1y 1, 1959, and there shall thereafter be levied in
<br />such area so consolidated :rith the City fulninistrative Unii the saz~a school ta:<es as shall be levied
<br />in the oti:er poz lions of the City administrative Unit.
<br />By order oT the Board of Commi ssionsrs of the County oT Orange, 27orth Carolina,
<br />Dated June 30, 195d,
<br />/s/ E¢tty Jvne-Hayes
<br />Clerk, Baarrl oP Comcdssioness
<br />of Orange County, N. C.
<br />Comnis9.oner ElcDade, seconded the wotion to adopt said resolution. ;Ster discussion the said
<br />resolution ryas put to a vote, ana eras unanimously adopted. A11 members of td~e 2oard present voted :"¢
<br />the adoption thereof.
<br />After a generzl budget discussion this meeting eras adjovs Wed to meei again on titednesday,
<br />July 2, 1958, at B o~clock n.m.
<br />/s/ n, J, ;,I, Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />-' S. k, Gattis
<br />Acting Cleric
<br />:arutes pf the Eoazd of Cossnty Commissi cners
<br />July 2, 1958
<br />The Ors^5e Court.y Board of Commissioners met in svn.ci.1 session on tilednoslay, July 2, 1958,
<br />at 3 o~clocL: n.m, in tine Courtroom at the Courthouse in H511sbpx o, ti. C.
<br />