Orange County NC Website
1INTRODUCTION <br />Orange County Public Transportation (OPT) provides transit service throughout Orange County, <br />including both demand response and fixed-route service. Identifying performance of the existing <br />system, areas of unmet transit demand, assessing priorities of passengers, and prioritizing service <br />improvements with a limited budget are keys to addressing the needs of the community. To <br />ensure integrated, high performing transit service across the region, this report assesses the <br />market for transit service, operations in Orange County, and future recommendations. <br />Report Organization <br />In addition to this Introduction, the report is organized into four chapters—existing conditions <br />and market analysis, public involvement, rural transit service types, and service prioritization. <br />ƒChapter 02 Existing Conditions and Market Analysis. This chapter highlights <br />previous planning studies, provides an assessment of population and employment density <br />and travel demand within the Orange County and Durham County areas to assess the <br />distribution of the transit ridership market, and analyzes the performance of existing <br />fixed-route service operated by OPT to identify strengths and weaknesses of the current <br />system. <br />ƒChapter 03 Public Involvement.This chapter summarizes the public involvement <br />and outreach efforts conducted for Phase I and Phase II outreach, as well as specific <br />comments and feedback received. <br />ƒChapter 04 Rural Transit Service Types.Given the rural nature of the OPT service <br />area, the agency faces different challenges than urban transit providers. This chapter <br />highlights some potential rural transit service types that may function as part of a <br />coordinated approach to transit service in the area. <br />ƒChapter 05 Service Prioritization.This chapter builds on the market analysis, <br />service analysis, and rural transit service types chapters to identify potential service <br />improvements. These service enhancements are prioritized to provide the maximum <br />benefit to passengers and address the unique needs of Orange County given limited <br />financial resources. <br />Appendix A provides open-ended comments received during the public outreach process. <br />Appendix B provides change sheets that summarize alignment modifications for existing OPT <br />routes with proposed changes—the Hillsborough Circulator and Orange-Alamance Connector.