Orange County NC Website
<br /> OPT Short Range Transit Plan <br /> <br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 5-6 <br /> <br /> <br />Fixed-Route Service <br />Hillsborough Circulator <br />The existing Hillsborough Circulator route, which currently operates hourly from 8:00 AM to <br />5:00 PM Monday-Friday, could have expanded hours and operate every 30 minutes from 7:00 <br />AM to 8:00 PM, Monday through Saturday, if additional funding became available. Additional <br />information about alignment modifications proposed for the existing Hillsborough Circulator can <br />be found in the change sheets in Appendix B. <br />Improvements to the Hillsborough Circulator are highly supported by riders. This route would <br />continue to provide connections to multiple park-and-ride lots, including the Durham Tech Park- <br />and-Ride and the future Hillsborough Park-and-Ride. The improved route would have a total <br />estimated annual cost of $416,000. <br />Figure 5-4 Hillsborough Circulator <br />